“A Festivus for the rest of us" is Today

Each year on December 23rd, Festivus commemorates a holiday episode of the television comedy, Seinfeld. In 1997, the popular television comedy brought Festivus to the masses when Frank Costanza (played by Jerry Stiller) explains he invented the holiday in response to the commercialism of Christmas. Its slogan is “A Festivus for the rest of us.”

Sitcoms often combine holidays and family discord. However, one only has to look to our own families to find a little humor. This holiday reminds us how easily we take things too seriously at times. Politics, traditions, grudges and more lead us down unintended paths. Sometimes those paths turn out to be quite the hilarious turn of events. Well, hopefully, they’re more hilarious than not. At least while watching through the magnifying glass of the Seinfeld episode safely from our homes, we see a bit of our selves and those we hold dear. 

How to Observe #Festivus

Festivus traditions derived from the television episode and the original creator have been combined over the years.

  1. Adorn an aluminum Festivus pole and display it in the home. 
  2. Serve a traditional dinner in the evening. 
  3. During dinner there is the Airing of Grievances. Each person takes turns describing how the others in the family have disappointed him or her over the past year.
  4. Feats of Strength, this follows dinner and involves wrestling the head of the household. (It's important to note that he holiday is not complete unless the head of the household is pinned. Failure to pin the head of the household could result in perpetual Festivus.)
  5. Festivus Miracle – a frequent if unimpressive miracle.
Submitted by Somers, NY

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