First Selectman Jeff Manville's Southbury Update: Connectivity Grant, and More!


This week The Connecticut Department of Transportation approved Southbury’s Community Connectivity Grant Program (CCGP) application, awarding $800,000 to the Town for the construction of a multi-purpose path along New Wheeler Road for walking and biking. The project will also include narrowing New Wheeler Road to slow traffic there. The Town will be responsible for a twenty percent match.

We believe the finished path will enhance Southbury’s economic growth by connecting the densely populated Heritage Village to the commercial area on Heritage Road.

This project is segment one and two of a much bigger vision: building twenty-three segments of connecting paths to open space trails, schools, parks, commercial, and residential areas. With this funding, the Town will be able to advance its first-priority segments of the project at Heritage Village. I expect construction here to serve as a catalyst for continued implementation of my overall vision.

Over the past year, my assistant and I have worked with Public Works, Finance, Economic Development, and SLR Consulting on this trails concept. We had meetings with Heritage Village Management Association and Heritage Village residents to hear their input, and recently brought NVCOG on board to explore the possibility of integrating our trails concept into their regional plan. NVCOG is also exploring additional funding opportunities for future segments. I am looking forward to seeing this concept become a reality with these first two phases.

The CCGP awarded $12 Million in state grants to improve transportation and infrastructure in 17 Connecticut Towns and Cities with awards capped at $800,000. Their goal is to provide equitable access to transportation, make conditions safer for all users, and encourage healthy and environmentally sustainable modes of transportation.


Our Public Works Director, Blake Leonard, reported that the River Road slope stabilization and temporary repairs were completed on Sunday July 14th as planned. River Road is now open to all local traffic. Thank you to Stone Construction, Cardinal Engineering, and the Department of Public Works for their work on this challenging project.

The Purchase Brook Road culvert replacement project began on Monday, July 15th as planned and is going well. The area is closed to thru traffic until further notice. Our goal for completing this project is September 30, 2024.


The Naugatuck Valley Council of Government (NVCOG) recently formed the Naugatuck Valley Waste, Reuse, and Recycling Committee to address the issues associated with Connecticut’s solid waste capacity shortage and develop solutions through regional collaboration and partnership. The CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection awarded NVCOG a grant to study and develop a Regional Waste Authority. The Waste Committee is in the beginning stages of this two-year process. As a member of this Committee, I am looking forward to contributing to these ongoing discussions, learning from other municipalities, and partnering with them to find solutions to Connecticut’s waste crisis.


Congratulations to Leah Lasprogato, Southbury’s Assistant Town Clerk, for passing the Town Clerk’s exam and earning her Connecticut Town Clerk’s Certification. I appreciate Leah’s dedication to the Town and her ambition to advance her skills and knowledge. The Town provides many education and training opportunities for our employees, and I am pleased when employees take advantage of them.


Camp directors and parents are embracing new ways to communicate. Parks and Rec is expanding their use of the Remind app to provide real-time communication with all camp parents this year. Adventure Day Campers used the app as a trial for the past two years. Since it proved to be successful at improving communication between staff and parents, the app was rolled out for all Southbury camps this summer. The app enables staff to send notifications and photos to parents while protecting users’ privacy. Parents can also chat one-on-one with a camp director at any time. There is no cost to the Town or parents to use the app. Also new this year, text blasts are being used to communicate to patrons through MyRec, our Parks & Rec online registration service.

Submitted by Jeff Manville First Selectman, Town of Southbury

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