Southbury Volunteer Fire Association invites you to Public Safety Day on Saturday, September 24 from 1 to 4pm at the Center Firehouse (461 Main Street South)
Come out and interact with the First Responders of your community – fire, police, ambulance, underwater rescue, etc. Learn lifesaving information and watch as we respond together to a mock accident.
- A dozen emergency vehicles on public display including ambulances, police cruisers, rescue boats, 102’ ladder truck, heavy rescue, engines, tankers, brush truck, gator and more
- Over 30 emergency services personnel from local fire, police and ambulance organizations will be available to answer questions.
- Fire Dept. members will be providing free food and beverages
- Auto extrication at 2PM
- “Safety Run Sheet” with several activity stations where participants will learn life safety skills, including “stop, drop, cover and roll” and “crawl low under the smoke”
- A walk thru the “smoke room” simulating realistic smoke conditions
- Ladies Auxiliary will be distributing free 9-volt batteries for smoke detectors
- Newtown Underwater Search and Rescue (NUSAR) will be participating with their rescue boats, equipment and personnel providing safety information
- Tours of the fire department’s engines, tankers, 102’ ladder tower, heavy rescue truck, and brush truck.
- Opportunity to shoot the brush truck fire nozzle at a target.
This event is FREE and the community is encouraged to come!