Pumpkin Contest
Submit by 11/6/2022
Have some fun and paint or carve your funniest, scariest or most creative pumpkin. Take a picture of your pumpkin and submit it to Parks & Recreation. Winners will be announced at the end of November. Organizers: Southbury Parks and Recreation.
Click for the event's details.
Watershed Benefit
11/10/2022 | 5:30-8:00pm
Enjoy a tour of Walker Road Vineyards with tasty treats and wine, while supporting local rivers. Organizer: Pomperaug River Watershed Coalition.
Click for the event's details.
11/11-12/2022 - Veterans Day Poppy Drive and Wreaths Across America Fund Raiser
11/12/2022 - Holiday Fair
11/12/2022 - Annual Veterans' Day Concert
11/18/2022 - Friendsgiving Bingo
View more future events: Upcoming Events Listing