The Southbury Library will be hosting actor Ted Zalewski for a performance on one of America’s greatest presidents, Teddy Roosevelt. This program will take place on Saturday, February 7 at 2pm in the Kingsley Room.
Combining history, drama and fun, Ted will give voice to many of Roosevelt’s own words, writings, and beliefs. Cowboy, soldier, naturalist, historian, father, statesman and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Theodore Roosevelt lived a life that inspires us still. Get ready for a ‘bully’ time with Teddy Roosevelt: Mind, Body and Spirit!
Ted Zalewski holds degrees from the University of Illinois in Chicago, Loyola University, and an advanced, combined degree from the Harvard School of Education and the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Radio and Television Artists (AFTRA). He has been a faculty member of Lesley College, Cambridge, MA; the University of Massachusetts, Boston; and Urban College, Boston. Ted’s publications include the children’s books Vince Lombardi and Bobby Hull, as well as well as several published articles. His other one-person performances include Vincent: A Portrait by the Postman Roulin, Hemingway the Writer and Longfellow- the Sands of Time.
Registration is required. Please call the library at 203-262-0626 ext. 130