Connecticut's Vaccine Appointment Assist Line is ready to help you schedule your COVID Vaccine Appointment! It can be time-consuming for Connecticut residents to find and schedule an appointment at a convenient time and location. United Way of Connecticut is here to provide support through the COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line to Connecticut residents to help make sure that they get their appointments and get vaccinated.
Dial 877-918-2224 to speak with a Vaccine Scheduling Specialist who can help you make your COVID vaccine appointment. Anyone 16 years of age or older who lives, works, or attends school in Connecticut is eligible to receive vaccine.
Beginning April 1st , all individuals 16 years of age and older who live, work, or attend school in Connecticut are eligible to receive vaccine.
About the Connecticut Vaccine Appointment Assist Line:
- Minimal wait times
- Appointments being booked at multiple locations across the state
- Thousands of appointments available
- 300 Vaccine Scheduling Specialists trained and answering appointment calls
- Scheduling assistance available in multiple languages
- Assistance available for those who are deaf or hard-of hearing
- Available seven days per week, 8a.m. - 8p.m. each day
The phone number to call for vaccination scheduling is: 877-918-2224.
“The COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line is committed to helping Connecticut residents quickly and easily schedule their vaccine appointments,” said Lisa Tepper Bates, President and CEO of United Way of Connecticut. “With more than 300 dedicated Vaccine Scheduling Specialists and direct access to schedule appointments at numerous locations across the state, we are ready to help busy Connecticut residents schedule their vaccination. Every shot brings Connecticut one step closer to the end of the pandemic.”
The Vaccine Appointment Assist Line has appointments available across the state, including but not limited to East Hartford (CHC, Pratt & Whitney Air Strip at Rentschler Field), Stamford (CHC, Lord & Taylor Parking Lot), Danbury Mall (CHC), Middletown (CHC, Wesleyan University Vine Street Parking Lot), and Bridgeport (CHC, Southwest Community Health Center). The Appointment Assist Line is also able to help with transportation issues.
Language assistance is available for those who need it; those who are deaf or hard-of- hearing can access the Vaccine Appointment Assist Line by dialing 7-1-1.