First Southbury Residents Tests Positive for COVID-19
The first confirmed positive case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Town of Southbury has been identified. This case is being handled by a local hospital.
While this is disconcerting, it was not unexpected. There is community transmission of coronavirus happening throughout Connecticut and local populations. At this time all citizens should be diligent with their personal hygiene and social distancing. Most importantly, your efforts to limit social exposure will be your best defense against COVID-19 and help flatten the curve of emerging cases.
We need to SLOW THE SPREAD. This is especially important for our vulnerable population, older adults and those with underlying chronic health conditions. Please follow the federal guidelines of how to slow the spread at: www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/03.16.20_coronavirus-guidance_8.5x11_315PM.pdf.
Please check the Pomperaug District Department of Health for the latest updates at: www.pddh.org/programs/covid-19-coronavirus.php.