Caroline Simmons Stamford Update: St. Patrick’s Day Parade TOMORROW (and More!)


  • St. Patrick’s Day Parade: Join us tomorrow, Saturday, March 1st, for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM! Don’t miss this festive celebration filled with community spirit and tradition. Be sure to check the map below for traffic and lane closures along the parade route. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
  • Small Business Survey: My administration recently launched a quick survey to help us better understand small business challenges in our community and explore ways to support your success. Click here to participate.


  •  Stamford Parks Community Partnership (SPCP) Microgrant Program: The Stamford Parks Community Partnership (SPCP) is excited to announce its inaugural Microgrant Program to support community-led projects in and around Stamford, CT, parks and public spaces. Funds are available to support a variety of projects, including improvement in parks, playgrounds, community gardens, waterfronts, and other public spaces (i.e. signage, beautification) organizing community clean-ups, community building events. Click here for more information. 
  • Mayor’s Cybersecurity Initiative: The Mayor’s Cybersecurity Initiative is having two workshops for seniors at the Stamford Senior Center on March 6. A Spanish language workshop will be during the Hispanic Club at 10am and the English workshop will be at 11:30am.  The event is free, but please register ahead of time. Click here to learn more, and to register please call 203-977-5151.
  • Board of Assessment Appeals Meetings: The next Board of Assessment Appeals meetings will be held in April 2025.  The application deadline is March 20, 2025.  Please click here for more information.
  • Learning in Retirement: Learning in Retirement is beginning a new semester! Classes in art, music, current events, and history are offered to senior citizens and other retirees. For information and to register, visit
  • February Arts & Culture Guide: The City of Stamford and the Stamford Arts and Culture Commission are excited to announce, “Stamford Spotlight: A Celebration of Arts and Culture.” This guide highlights upcoming arts and cultural events in Stamford. Be sure to stop by and support our local organizations! Click here to view the February Guide.
  • Stamford 2035: The City of Stamford is excited to launch the Stamford 2035 Comprehensive Plan, a once-in-a-decade opportunity to assess the city's current state and explore key questions about our future! This plan will guide Stamford’s development through 2035, focusing on crucial topics like sustainability, resilience, diversity, equity, inclusion, housing, economic growth, mobility, and infrastructure. Throughout the 10-month process, you’ll have the chance to share your vision for Stamford by participating in public meetings, workshops, surveys, and discussions with our planning team. Check out this project one-sheet and visit our website to get involved, sign up for updates, and learn more about the plan.
  • Lathon Wider Community Center: On the morning of Thursday, January 2, the City Facilities Department was notified of a flooding incident in the basement of the Lathon Wider Community Center (137 Henry Street) caused by a failure in a piece of mechanical equipment. The target date for reopening the building is July 1, 2025. For any questions or urgent needs regarding the Health Department’s walk-in health services, please call (203)-977-5652.
  • Stamford 2035 Visions of the City Survey: In case you missed Stamford 2035's first open house, please take five minutes to share your thoughts on the Visions of the City here! Your insights will help the planning team formulate visions, goals, strategies, and actions for the future of Stamford.
  • Stamford Transportation Center Master Plan: Our administration has been meeting with the Connecticut Department of Transportation and city transportation officials to continue to make progress on the Stamford Train Station Master Plan. To view the Stamford Transportation Center Master Plan, visit:
  • Paving Update: Click here for the priority list for paving operations established in response to a city-wide road assessment in 2022.
  • Curb Repair: Request for curb repairs can be submitted under the category "Roads" on Fixit at

Apply for a Special Events Permit: To reserve a pavilion or host events at city parks click here.

Submitted by Mayor Caroline Simmons

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