Why Small Businesses Matter in Stamford: Age Against the Machine


Community Champion: Age Against the Machine LLC

Meet Chris Hackett founder of the ultimate party band Age Against the Machine LLC

Why did you start your band?

I love to play music with great musicians at community events. We are dedicated to building community through our music!

Most requested service or product?

Dance music and covers for parties.

Can you name a few places where our readers can find you? 

We play at Coalhouse Pizza, The Castle Black Rock, The Goose American Bistro, Halloween Yacht Club, Christ Church Greenwich, Joey's Port Chester, Dry Dock Bar & Grille, Farmhouse at the Crossroads, the St. Lawrence Club, just to name a few. [For a list of upcoming shows visit https://age-machine.com/shows].

Booking & information: contact Chris Hackett at 203. 550. 2853 or email chris@age-machine.com

Follow along on Instagram @ageagainst_themachine

HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!

Submitted by HH

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