Webinar Topic: Special Education Law and Advocacy on May 29th, 12:00 p.m. EST
Attorney Lawrence Berliner, CT Special Education Law
Jane Faherty, JumpStart Director at the Stamford JCC
Registration is required to view the webinar. Zoom registration form: https://bit.ly/2M6ce8G
• Your child’s basic special educational rights at this time
• PPT Meeting: How and When to obtain a PPT meeting
• Parent’s role: How to Observe and Document your child’s educational performance at home
• Compensatory Education and Strategies when school reopens
Email your questions for the Q&A to Rachel Berliner at rachel@berlinerspecialedlaw.com
We are a community of concerned parents and we are all learning how to connect in order to get through these difficult times together. In the coming weeks ahead, Attorney Lawrence Berliner will be moderating a series of webinars with guests, to address this unprecedented environment of distance learning and its impact upon your child’s special education. We will discuss new strategies, special ed law issues as they evolve, address your questions and frustrations, and hopefully some successes, too.