Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT C&O Painting Solutions!
Four questions with Chris Oliva, founder of C&O Painting Solutions.
Why did you start your business?
I started my business because I knew I have a strong work ethic and I wanted to have the opportunity to show my talents.
What is your best-selling product/service?
My best selling service is my interior and exterior painting.
How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?
I use many stores in CT to support my business:
- Sherwin Williams (Paint)
- Kosta hardware store from Fairfield (Compound, tools, etc.)
- My local Home Depot. Supplies (Tools, blades, trays, etc.)
Have you "reimagined" your small business?
I have reimagined my company. Always adapting and moving forward by doing more than just painting. My team and I come in to make beautiful spaces. Sharp, neat, and very clean cut period. I have included getting a cleaning crew at the end of every job to make sure clients are happy!
Visit C&O Painting Solutions online here, and make sure to check out their Facebook page as well, or give them a call at 203.260.7630!
HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!