Why Small Businesses Matter in Westport: LED CloudLight


Why Small Businesses Matter

Shop small, do big things for your community

Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!

You're IT LED CloudLight!

Three questions with Aiden Schachter, Owner of LED CloudLight.

Why did you start your business?

The first LED Cloud Light hung in my bedroom for months before the idea of starting a business even crossed my mind. In the early days of the covid pandemic, I had plenty of time on my hands. It was the summer, and school was out, but at the same time, the pandemic was picking up in severity, meaning I couldn't go out and spend time with friends. With countless hours to myself, one day the idea came to me. I combined the polyester filling from an old stuffed animal with the hottest new decor item, LED strip lights to create the first “cloud”. Regardless the first “cloud” that I had built for myself was crude, impractical, and resembled a handmade craft at best. Everything changed when I came across the online retail platform Etsy. I listed my item for sale, and on July 21st, 2020 I received my first order, and the rest is history! I began to innovate with new designs, adding features like Bluetooth, and offering multiple size variations. In the coming months, I began to realize how I could turn my crafting hobby into a full-fledged business. What was originally a simple pastime, now fills my day too day schedule, fulfilling orders to more than 2,000 customers across 8 countries and counting! As well as showcasing my work in local events, such as the annual Craft Westport show!

What is your best-selling product/service?

Our best-selling product is the LED Cloud Light. The LED Cloud Light is a cloud replica lamp, suspended by fishing line from the ceiling to create the illusion of a floating cloud. Each cloud features over 2 million color combinations, and 200 unique modes such as party, rainbow, fireworks, storm cloud, and so many more. The clouds plug into a standard US outlet and are controlled from an app on your mobile device. To this date, there are almost 2000 clouds floating around in the world, and that number is quickly growing! Each cloud is handmade to order, meaning that every cloud is slightly different from the last in its shape and texture. Currently,  Etsy is our main point of sale, however, you can also find these cloud lights on Amazon, our own website, or come meet us in person at the Artrider Craft Fair every November!

How many local businesses do you use to support your business (products and services) and can you name them?

While not directly supported by a specific local business, LED CloudLight LLC has huge ties and relies on the local community. The inside of each cloud lamp (the frame) is made with 100% recycled aluminum, sourced from neighbors and friends using the “Nextdoor App”. There's a network of 20+ locals who donate their finished seltzer cans to our cause, some even going as far as dropping off their aluminum directly at our location. At the end of each year, as a way of thanking our donors, we ask them to name a charity of their choice. After receiving a list of charities, LED CloudLight LLC donates 5% of its profits to the chosen organizations. Thanking everyone for their support, and making a positive impact in the community!

Aiden Schachter would like to nominate Cloud 9 Consignment in Westport to be featured next!

LED CloudLight is located at Westport. Visit LED CloudLight online here. Make sure to check out their Instagram page as well!

HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!

Submitted by Westport, CT

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