Here at HamletHub, we are saddened by the death of Amy Oestreicher who left this Earth too soon on April 7, 2021, a few days shy of her 34th birthday. Amy was born on April 10, 1987.
Amy was a talented writer and local creative who shared her health challenges in her powerful memoir My Beautiful Detour: An Unthinkable Journey from Gutless to Grateful. Two weeks before her senior prom, a blood clot caused Amy's stomach to explode. She almost died. She shared her trauma and life "detour" in her TEDx talk. Watch it here.
Amy lived. She lived boldly and for nearly two decades, inspired the world with her tenacity, positive energy and determination to get the most out of life.
Amy was an Audie award-nominated playwright, performer, and multidisciplinary creator. She was a PTSD Specialist, Huffington Post columnist, international keynote speaker, RAINN representative, and disability advocate. She have three TEDx Talks on transforming trauma through creativity and shared her story on NBC, CBS, ABC, and contributed to over 70 publications as a media expert and PTSD Specialist.
We send our thoughts and prayers to Amy's loved ones. She was truly a remarkable gift to the world.