This week is the last week for girls 4th-8th grade to register for the Ms President US Program for Wilton and Westport with our season kick off session happening Friday the 29th from 4:15-5:45 pm.
Through our program, girls learn about public speaking, diplomacy and listening skills, local/state/federal government, and women’s history while having an opportunity to meet and greet exemplary female leaders. The program culminates with a campaign and election for Ms President US.
The winner will be invited to accompany their First Selectman, at appearances and speaking engagements throughout the year, until the next Ms President US is elected.
The program was launched in Ridgefield CT in 2017-2018. With the support of our partners, the program will be promoted for replication in other towns in subsequent years.
While there are some wonderful programs focused on inspiring High School girls to engage in civic leadership, there are no community-based initiatives (currently known) that focus on engaging younger girls. The Ms President US program aims to reach girls at a pivotal age, before their self-esteem transitions from peak to plummet, as commonly takes place during the Middle School years.
Some highlights include:
- Open to all girls in 4th through 8th grade, and can be from any town.
- Sessions are held once a month for 1.5 hours in Wilton and Westport
- Sessions are led by community and state leaders and will include fun, interactive activities. Each session will include a mini lesson plan and a takeaway message.
- Each January girls begin to prepare their campaign for “Ms. President US” (their town) using their choice of media or art and addressing at least 1 issue (school start time, anti-bullying, etc.).
- Participants enjoy a field trip to the state capitol where they meet with legislative leaders, see the house chambers and court, and take a League of Women Voters tour.
- In the final session girls will give their campaign speech and show their display/presentation.
- The girl with the top score among all the ballots submitted will be elected Ms President US of their town.
- Ms President US will “hold office” for 1 year until the next girl is elected. During her “administration” Ms President US will be invited to attend, participate and/or speak at local community events.
- $250 per participant
- $225 per each additional sibling
- Need-based scholarships are available
- Girl Scouts badge/credit eligible