Westport Parks & Recreation Director Jennifer Fava reminds residents and visitors that from October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 the following regulations will be in effect for Compo Beach:
Animal Control Enforcement and Leash Restriction
- Dogs are prohibited from the Pavilion, playground and walkways.
- All dogs must be leashed in all areas of the park except in the designated off leash area of the beach south of the Pavilion, including South Beach. Off leash regulations are posted at the entrance to the off leash area.
- You are required by law to pick up your dog’s feces.
Violation of the above regulations subject to a fine of $77.00
Fava also reminds residents of regulations related to animals on Town athletic fields and playgrounds. Per the Westport Parks and Recreation Department Rules and Regulations, animals are prohibited from all athletic fields and playgrounds at any time.
The complete Westport Parks and Recreation Department 2023 Rules and Regulations can be found at www.westportrecreation.com.
Ms. Fava said, “We hope everyone will follow these regulations and be respectful of other dogs and facility users. We appreciate your cooperation.”