On a leadership call yesterday with Governor Lamont, the Governor expressed his concern about the one-day increase in hospital admissions, noting the reversal of the previous flattening of admissions in Fairfield County. He stated admissions are going up as fast as they ever had and emphasized that we have not yet bent the curve.
The Governor expressed his concern that he may need to be stricter about the use of cloth masks and asked that residents be reminded to wear a mask when in public, whether at the grocery store, picking up take-out or at work. Please continue to behave as if you have the virus and as if those around you do as well.
A number of residents have reached out to inquire about the use of school parking lots. With the exception of the north lot at the High School, all school parking lots are open for walking, running and biking. Social distancing guidelines still apply. Please, keep your distance from others in the parking lot. This should not be viewed as an opportunity to join other families in the parking lots. The north lot remains closed because it is adjacent to Lilly Field, the location of the greatest number of noncompliance issues.
Today I was asked, “If a family can teach a child to ride a bike in the parking lot, why can’t they go onto the fields to teach them how to throw a ball or play lacrosse? What’s the difference?” Valid questions. First, it is important to understand the history with the fields and recreation facilities. After the schools were closed, many teammates met at the fields to practice and parents met at the facilities for playdates. This undermined social distancing, creating opportunities for the virus to spread. In response, we closed the fields and recreational facilities. Even though the fields and facilities were closed and clearly marked, residents continued to use them. Even with the recent notice that patrolling has increased and that the police will be issuing trespassing tickets, we are still removing residents from the fields.
Parking lots, on the other hand, have not generally had repeated issues with inappropriate congregating. Were we to make exceptions for families on the fields, we are confident issues at the fields would increase. We don’t anticipate the same for the parking lots, but would make adjustments should there be issues.
The Governor's executive order 7S, requires the Board of Selectmen to offer 90-day tax deferment to qualified taxpayers, as defined, and/or offer a 90-day 3% interest rate (vs. the current 18%) to all taxpayers. The 90 days is from July 1, so it essentially is a 60-day extension of what currently exists for all taxpayers. This order applies to all property taxes, whether real estate, motor vehicle or personal property.
The Board of Selectmen will discuss both concepts at our meeting next Monday and make the required decision. At last night’s Board of Finance meeting, I discussed the topic with the members and requested their input. They agreed the deferment was more preferable as it targeted those with the greater need and likely offered less financial risk to the Town.
Today, CT DPH reports 14,755 laboratory-confirmed statewide cases with 6,480 or 44% in Fairfield County and 99 in Wilton. Approximately 3.6% of total reported cases have not yet been assigned to a municipality. Today’s test positive rate was only 18%, a significant decrease from the year-to-date rate of 29%. Currently 1.4% of the State’s population has been tested. Disturbingly, deaths rose 29% to 868, with similar growth in Fairfield County to 365. The state is reporting 11 deaths in Wilton. CT DPH noted there is catch up in today’s reporting so the rate of increase in deaths is not for the single day. The number of cases currently hospitalized increased to 1,908 with an increase of 53 to 784 in Fairfield County.
The Governor issued Executive Order 7AA, which allows for the approval of temporary additional nursing home beds.
As always, if you have any questions, please email the appropriate town department or me. Email is the preferred means of communication because most employees are working from home. I have immediate access to my email and try to respond promptly. If you contact me on Facebook, know that my response will be delayed, as I only check my F S Lynne Vanderslice Facebook account a few times a day. I generally don’t use Messenger and have limited ability to access it.