Wilton Parks & Rec Summer Camp
Parks and Recreation will be holding summer camp, scheduled to begin on June 22nd. Plans are being reviewed by Wilton Health’s Director and include an onsite janitor performing regular cleaning and an onsite nurse with sick rooms. We understand the importance of childcare for working parents and the need for socialization. We are committed to providing the safest environment possible for interested Wilton families. Look for details soon.
Recreational Facilities
Recreational facilities continue to be available only through reservation. When we lessen or remove restrictions, we will do so in a manner that is respectful of both those who are or are not comfortable with fewer restrictions.
Transfer Station Hours
Transfer Station hours remain as Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and the 2nd and 4thSaturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All vehicles using the Transfer Station must have a permit. Fee tickets are required, as per the fee schedule. Permits and tickets are available from the Town Clerk’s Office by email, phone or drop box service.
Please review the Virtual Town Hall page for services available from home.
Please remember that the Town’s website has a search function on the top right of each webpage.
With a renewed interest in suburban living, please share Wilton’s video and 40 Things We Love About Wilton.