Thank you to all those who attended our Annual Awards Ceremony yesterday evening. Congratulations to all the members of the Wilton Police Department. In particular, the well-deserved recipients of the 2021 Officer of the Year Award, Officer Brandon Harris, and the 2021 Community Officer of the Year Award Sergeant Anthony Cocco.
Officer Harris is one of the most active in the department. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and necessary restrictions which may have limited his normal productivity, he always found a way to stay active. Officer Harris always has a positive attitude and should be commended for his consistent performance. He realizes that his proactive approach to motor vehicle enforcement and the removal of illegal drugs from our streets plays a vital role in making the roads and community a safer place for those that live, work and travel through Wilton. In his personnel folder there are many letters from residents thanking him for the professional and caring way that he assisted them in their time of need. Officer Harris has been a credit to our Department, embodying professionalism as well as a willingness to go above and beyond in all aspects of working at the Department.
Sergeant Anthony Cocco began his career with the Wilton Police Department in April of 2000. Over the years, he has embraced the Department’s concept of community policing. He has participated in many community policing events the Department has hosted such as Coffee with a Cop and Tip a Cop. He has worked on and off duty with Wilton Social Services, assisting in gathering donated groceries for the food pantry and delivering the donations to families during COVID. He assisted in organizing the “Letters to Santa” program which were dropped off by children at a mailbox in front of the Police Department. Sergeant Cocco showed selflessness when on his own time during COVID assisted in helping the most affected residents of Wilton.
Also, we would like to congratulate 2021's Blue Angel Citizen Award, The Wall family which through the Arthur J. Wall Scholarship Fund in memory of their father has not only supported the Wilton Police Department, but has also been a champion for several other Wilton organizations. The Wall family has distinguished themselves through long term and selfless commitment to the Town of Wilton and the Wilton Police Department.
To view additional photos of the Awards Ceremony, visit Wilton Police on Facebook HERE.