Wilton Library Gets Social - Saturday, June 3rd
Wilton Library is hosting a good old-fashioned Ice Cream Social on Saturday, June 3, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the library parking lot. All members of the Wilton community are invited to attend this special event!
College Creamery will once again be handing out free ice cream bars and snow cones, while supplies last.
Enjoy live music by trustees Matt Greene and Tim Flanagan and the Community Children's Chorus (weather permitting), spray on tattoos, and more. Kids will have the chance to meet some superheroes, enjoy face painting, activities, and prizes.
Wilton Library is located at 137 Old Ridgefield Road.
Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org for details.
Photo by Jarret Liotta for Wilton Library