A Message from Wilton Superintendent of Schools Kevin J. Smith, Ph.D.
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers:
We are so excited to welcome you back to a new school year and we offer a special welcome to all of our new families! Our staff has been busy all summer long making preparations to ensure that this coming school year will be tremendously successful. We look forward to greeting all of your children on Monday and have missed their smiles and their energy. Schools are no fun when they’re empty!
We know that as exciting as the start of school is, it can also be daunting with the amount of information that is shared. As a parent of five, I have spent innumerable hours over the years struggling to recall and attempting to retrieve various pieces of information from a myriad of emails, newsletters and websites. District staff members have been working to streamline communications and provide easy access to information. We hope that the transition to ParentSquare serves that end well. We also hope that you find this newsletter meaningful in your own effort to keep track of important details.
Change is a natural part of life and our school system has experienced some key changes this year. First, as noted above, we have a new tool for communication. As can be expected, integration with our student information system has not been entirely seamless so we are asking all parents and guardians to make an extra effort to ensure that all information housed in Powerschool is up to date. Even if you’ve verified your information, please double check.
We’ve also experienced a key change in our transportation office. We welcome long time staff member Helaine Walker to the role of Transportation Coordinator. While we expect all to go smoothly, we know from experience that the buses run more slowly during the first week of school. Please be patient as our new drivers get acquainted with their routes and we fall back into our routines. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out.
We look forward to another incredible school year and are truly grateful for your partnership.
Chartwells is ready to serve WPS once again. Detailed information regarding the school lunch program can be found by visiting the Food Service webpage.
What is included in school lunch?
- Entrée, vegetable, fruit and milk listed on the school menu.
- Snacks are offered for an additional charge (list on website)
- Wilton.Nutrislice.com is available (app or online) for viewing Menus and Nutritional information.
How to pay for school lunch?
- MySchoolBucks.com (Support Number 800-803-6755) there is a service fee
- No fee payment: Send a check made payable to Wilton Lunch Program with your student or mail check to: Chartwells ℅ school lunch program 131 School Road Wilton, CT 06897
- Nutrislice app available for viewing menus. Online ordering is NOT available.
Who/How should the parent contact with a Chartwells issue?
Mirjana.Gazivoda@compass-usa.com or William.Tomlinson@compass-usa.com.
Power School and PTA Directory
The District is preparing to update the School Directories and your information will be included in the Directory unless you checked “No, Please DO NOT publish my child’s information in the School Directory.”
Contact information is only used by the school and the Parent Teacher Associations”
If you need to update your setting please log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal, go to Forms, and update Form D – Permissions/Agreements
Learn more: https://www.wiltonps.org/