To the Editor,
It is with great enthusiasm that I support Annie Chochos for Wilton's Board of Education.
Annie is selfless, passionate, completely committed to our schools and our children and ever present and generous with her time, talent and treasure in her church and the Wilton community at large. She is indefatigable!
We were introduced through a family friend 6 years ago. I have watched her work tirelessly to improve the educational experience for students, teachers and staff. She has distributed educkits, been a room representative for her child, a library volunteer and Miller-Driscoll PTA co-president. In addition, Annie volunteers in the Greek Orthodox Church as the PTO Greek School President and resides on several committees.
I am absolutely certain that she will continue this pattern of ethically driven work with a sole purpose of enriching the lives of our school children.
Michaele Giannoutsos
19 Lee Allen Lane
Wilton, Connecticut 06897