Dear Editor,
I urge everyone to join me in voting for Annie Chochos, Heather Priest, Mark Shaner, and Lori Bufano for the Board of Education. Annie, the parent of a Cider Mill student, is a former MD PTA co-president with a heart of gold and great ideas. Heather has an amazing perspective as a former Wilton teacher, parent of two WHS students, and wife of a beloved Middlebrook teacher. Mark, a Columbia MBA and the spouse of an excellent Middlebrook teacher, has two kids in Wilton schools and would bring needed financial know-how to the board. Lori is a lifelong Wiltonian and former Board of Selectman member with a collaborative mindset.
Wilton deserves a well-functioning BOE supporting our students, teachers, and administration. What we don’t need is continued hostility, both internally and with the Board of Finance. Rather than doubling down on recent acrimony with a board member who fostered this environment and a PTA co-president who oversaw the shutdown of a PTA’s Facebook page in spring 2023, join me in voting for a return to civility, transparency, and excellence! Vote for the best of Wilton. Vote Annie, Heather, Mark, and Lori!
Wilton deserves a well-functioning BOE supporting our students, teachers, and administration. What we don’t need is continued hostility, both internally and with the Board of Finance. Rather than doubling down on recent acrimony with a board member who fostered this environment and a PTA co-president who oversaw the shutdown of a PTA’s Facebook page in spring 2023, join me in voting for a return to civility, transparency, and excellence! Vote for the best of Wilton. Vote Annie, Heather, Mark, and Lori!
Jake Lubel
7 Coachmans Place
Wilton, CT 06897