Wilton Annual Police Award Ceremony

Please join the Wilton Police Department in celebrating our officers and the wonderful service they do.  This year's celebration will be at Trackside on March 18, at 6:00 pm.  Plan on bring your family and friends and stay for some refreshments, provided by the Wilton Rotary Club, after the ceremony.  Officers receiving awards for their 2012 efforts are:

Det. Isidro

Det. Tarrant

Lt. Wakeman

Off. Fridinger

Det. Sear

Off. Cocco

Sgt. Dempsey

Off. Nosal

Off. Sell

Off. Sisenstein

Off. Tornello

Off. Lichtenberger

Capt. Lynch

Lt. Brennan

Off. Cipolla

Off. Dolenk

Off. Gelineau

Sgt. Tunney

Off. Calorossi

Off. Frendt

Sgt. Tanner

Det. Trahan

Off. Hartman

The above officers will be receiving at least one award for their efforts in the year 2012. The specifics will be announced at the event including the "Officer of the Year" award. The Officer of the Year recipient receives a plaque, their name etched on the plaque located in the front lobby of the police station and a privileged parking spot for the year.

Submitted by Wilton, CT

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