Wilton Library July 2020 Virtual Activities
Wednesdays, July 1 through Friday, Aug. 28 Summer Library Adventure 2020: Imagine Your Story. Kids going into grades K - 6 are invited to sign-up for Wilton Library Children’s Library’s "Imagine Your Story" themed Summer Library Adventure 2020 through Aug. 28. This year will be a special focus on reading and provide ideas for fun, educational activities for the whole family. We are excited to offer this innovative program for our community! The reading portion of the Summer Adventure will use the Read and Bead reward system, and “surprise” prizes will be distributed through the drive-thru window after July 1. In addition to the reading portion of the program, we will have challenges for children to complete. New challenges will be available every Monday and Thursday, and the kids have all summer to complete them for special beads, brag tags and other small prizes. Please visit www.wiltonlibrary.org for details. Questions may be emailed to Andrea Szabo at aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. This summer reading program is made possible by the Collaborative Summer Library Program offered through the CT State Library. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesdays, July 1 through Sunday, Aug. 16 A Universe of Stories – 2020 Teen & Tween Summer Reading Teens and tweens can spend the summer exploring their universe in Wilton Library's "A Universe of Stories" summer reading program. The reading program is for kids entering grades 6 – 12 in the fall of 2020. All that’s needed are good books and a clock, watch or phone to track the amount of time spent reading. The more reading, the more tickets are applied to a weekly drawing for a Wilton Chamber of Commerce gift certificate. At the end of the summer, all the tickets will be entered in the grand prize drawing for a $100 Wilton Chamber gift certificate. Please read and record only age-appropriate books. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org, click on Teens and scroll to Summer Reading for details and to sign up. Email questions to Susan Lauricella at slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org.The program is supported by the Pat and John Curran Teen Fund. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesdays, July 1 through Sunday, Aug. 16 Beach Party Bingo with Books–2020 Adult Summer Reading Welcome to Wilton Library's "Beach Party Bingo with Books" adult summer reading program. After all, why should kids have all the fun? Follow the Book Bingo suggestions to guide your summer reading and find some entertaining books outside your usual familiar groove. Log the books you read through August 16, 2020 and you'll be entered into our prize drawing. For every book read, you'll get one ticket. Post reviews online on the reading program page and get extra tickets. At the end of the summer, two $25 Wilton Chamber of Commerce gift certificates courtesy of Fairfield County Bank will be mailed out to the lucky
winners. The more you read, the better your chances of winning one! Click here or visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register for your summer's worth of reading pleasure. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesdays, July 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Story Time with Miss Andrea, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Children ages 1 – 4 years will hear stories, sing songs, participate in movement activities, and more. A new story time with Miss Andrea will be available on Wilton Library’s YouTube Channel every Wednesday. Visit our YouTube Channel here (WiltonLibraryStreams) or www.wiltonlibrary.org and click on Children’s Remote Services. Don’t forget to subscribe! For more details, email Miss Andrea at aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 1 Letter Writing for Kids Live!, 11 – 11:45 a.m. Working on writing a thank you letter to a nurse, doctor, or first responder for this week's challenge? Kids going into grades 3 - 6 are invited to this letter-writing workshop with high school graduate and college student, Emma Keating. Emma will share some tips for writing letters, and will help you get your letter to a nurse or a doctor who would love to hear from you. All you need for this program is paper, something to write with, and art supplies if you want to get fancy! Registration required; Zoom links will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org or call 203-762-6336 Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 1 Zentangle Art Workshop: Zooming with Amy, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Join Amy, Wilton Library's certified Zentangle instructor, for a fun and relaxing live online Zentangle art session. This meditative art form uses simple steps to teach practitioners how to create beautiful patterns. Suitable for anyone who doesn't believe they can draw, as well as experienced artists. For adults and teens, ages 13+. See the library’s registration link for suggestions of supplies needed. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program details. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 1 Rockin' Rhythms with Ray Live!, 3 – 3:30 p.m. Rockin' Rhythms is Ray’s (Jay and Ray) way of continuing to develop and give children a unique and awesome experience with music during their preschool years. Music helps children develop and excel in so many ways, not only academically but socially and behaviorally as well! We also want parents, grandparents, and caregivers to enjoy this experience as much as the children will! We will be using Zoom to interact. Zoom links will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Ages 2 - 5 with caregivers. Registration required. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, July 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 Mother Goose on the Loose on YouTube with Mrs. Keogh, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Children ages 6 months to 2 years old will enjoy a fun story time with music, puppets, picture books and nursery rhymes. A new Mother Goose program will be available on
Wilton Library’s YouTube Channel every Thursday. Visit our YouTube Channel here (WiltonLibraryStreams) or visit www.wiltonlibrary.org and click on Children’s Remote Services. Don't forget to subscribe! For more details, email Mrs. Keogh at lkeogh@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursday, July 2 Find a Job - Wilton Library Can Help! - Live help for all stages of job hunting with JobNow, 12 – 1 p.m. This session is with Diane Bizzle from JobNow, a free resource you can access with your Wilton Library card through the library's website. JobNow connects users with online career coaches to assist them during all stages of their job search. Get personalized one-on-one advice from an experienced career coach to help you job search, write your resume, and prepare for your job interview. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. For questions about JobNow, please contact Melissa Baker at mbaker@wiltonlibrary.org. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program details. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursday, July 2 Homer’s Epic Celebration of Civilization: The Odyssey, 5 – 6 p.m. Mark Schenker of Yale College completes his online lecture series on The Odyssey, Homer’s epic masterpiece that will place the poem in the context of the Ancient Greek world and the Western literary tradition. There is no charge for the program. This lecture is made possible with the support of the Literary Series in Memory of Amy Quigley. Advance registration is required. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org for program details and to register. Registrants will receive the Zoom session invitation link. Questions may be emailed to Michael Bellacosa at mbellacosa@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, July 2, 9, 16 & 23 Bedtime Story Time Live!, 7 – 7:30 p.m. Take a break and let Wilton Library’s Miss Amy do the bedtime reading tonight. Children ages 4 and up are welcome to join us for a couple of stories right before bed. Registration is required and the zoom link will be emailed. Email alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Monday, July 6 & 27 Stitch Time for Knitters & Crocheters on Zoom, 1 – 2 p.m. Drop-in Zoom session for crafters of all skill levels. Show off your latest creation, seek advice, and chat about anything while working on your own projects. Registration is required. Once you are registered, we'll email you the Zoom link. Please feel free to email cbenjamin@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Please note: No sessions on July 13 & 20. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Mondays, July 6, 13, 20 & 27 Big Kid Story Time Live with Miss Andrea, 3 – 3:30 p.m. Children ages 4-6 are invited to join in some story time fun online with Wilton Library’s Miss Andrea! We will read two stories and have some chat time. Registration is required and space is limited. Registrants will receive an email link to the Zoom meeting the morning of the program.
To register, visit www.wiltonlibrar.org. Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org with questions. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesdays, July 7, 14 & 21 Story Time with Miss Amy, 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Kids will enjoy a fun story time for children ages 1-4 filled with songs, stories, fingerplays, and movement activities, all of which help develop literacy skills. A new Story Time with Miss Amy will be available on Wilton Library's YouTube channel every Tuesday. Visit our YouTube Channel here (WiltonLibraryStreams) or www.wiltonlibrary.org and click on Children’s Remote Services. Don’t forget to subscribe! No new session on July 28. For more details, email Miss Amy at alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesdays, July 7, 14, 21 & 28 "What's Up" Book Club, 3 – 3:45 p.m. Kids in grades 2 - 4 are invited to join us for a Zoom book club on Wednesday afternoons. Everyone will have a chance to talk about one or two books they read recently. The librarian also will share a book or two. By the end of the program, kids will have ideas for new books to read! Registration required. When registering please write the title of the book or books you plan to share. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesday, July 7 The Cookbook Connection: A Virtual Recipe Swap, 5 – 6 p.m. This is an old-school recipe swap with a twist of virtual. Attendees can test out new recipes or dig up old favorites, then create something yummy to virtually “show and tell” with the group - appetizer, salad, entree or dessert. Then everyone grabs a drink, and shares their family recipes or tells which cookbooks were used for the recipes. The group will meet twice a month with a different focus each time; this session is vegetarian dishes. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the day of session. Questions? Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 8 Zooming Child-Adult Zentangle Fun, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Calling all artists and doodlers. If you love to draw or doodle but think you aren’t a good artist, this is the program for you. Using a few simple steps and techniques, anyone can learn to create beautiful artwork in a relaxing atmosphere. So join us and share some time with your favorite grownup. For children entering grades 3 – 7 with a participating adult. Registration is required. Please register all attendees. Participants will be contacted to pick up supplies a few days before the program. The Zoom link will be distributed by the morning of July 8. Register online. Please note: supplies and space are limited. We ask that patrons register only if you are sure you can attend. Email alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
workshop is open to rising high school seniors only. The session will be done using Zoom. A link will be sent the morning of the workshop. Space is limited and registration is required. Questions? Email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, July 9, 16, 23 & 30 Summer Poetry with Judson Scruton: More Bouquets from Harold Bloom’s The Best Poems of the English Language, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. This is a 4-week online literature seminar in which Judson Scruton will take participants through selected works by Coleridge, Whitman, Browning, and Crane augmented by brilliantly illuminating commentary by literary giant the late Harold Bloom. Judson Scruton M.A (The Johns Hopkins University, The Writing Seminars, specializing in poetry) has taught creative writing and literature at prep schools and universities. Poetry packet will be emailed in advance. No charge for the program. This seminar is made possible with the support of the Literary Series in Memory of Amy Quigley. Advance registration required. Register online in order to receive the readings and the Zoom session invitation links. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program and speaker details. By registering for the first session you will automatically be registered for all four sessions. Please email Michael Bellacosa with any questions at mbellacosa@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Friday, July 10, 17, 24 & 31 Cartoon Drawing with Emma, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Kids in grades 3 - 5 are invited to a cartoon drawing class on Zoom. Emma Keating offers her program again for the third year in a row to show us how to draw some amazing animals, creatures, and characters. All you need is some paper, pencils, coloring medium (crayons, watercolors, colored pencils), and your imagination! Registration required for each session as the group size will be limited so as to facilitate conversation. The Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the session.. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 15 Zentangle Art Workshop: Zooming with Amy, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Join Amy, Wilton Library's certified Zentangle instructor, for a fun and relaxing live online Zentangle art session. This meditative art form uses simple steps to teach practitioners how to create beautiful patterns. Suitable for anyone who doesn't believe they can draw, as well as experienced artists. For adults and teens, ages 13+. See the library’s registration link for suggestions of supplies needed. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program details. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 15 Live with Two by Two, 3 – 4 p.m. Children can enjoy a Zoom performance by Two by Two "The Zoo with the Roo!" This popular program brings fascinating live animals to show to children 3 and up. They have a chinchilla, a snake, a bearded dragon, a tortoise and a kangaroo! We will be using Zoom to interact. Zoom links will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Supported by the Amadeo Family. Registration required. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
workshop is open to rising high school seniors only. The session will be done using Zoom. A link will be sent the morning of the workshop. Space is limited and registration is required. Questions? Email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, July 9, 16, 23 & 30 Summer Poetry with Judson Scruton: More Bouquets from Harold Bloom’s The Best Poems of the English Language, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. This is a 4-week online literature seminar in which Judson Scruton will take participants through selected works by Coleridge, Whitman, Browning, and Crane augmented by brilliantly illuminating commentary by literary giant the late Harold Bloom. Judson Scruton M.A (The Johns Hopkins University, The Writing Seminars, specializing in poetry) has taught creative writing and literature at prep schools and universities. Poetry packet will be emailed in advance. No charge for the program. This seminar is made possible with the support of the Literary Series in Memory of Amy Quigley. Advance registration required. Register online in order to receive the readings and the Zoom session invitation links. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program and speaker details. By registering for the first session you will automatically be registered for all four sessions. Please email Michael Bellacosa with any questions at mbellacosa@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Friday, July 10, 17, 24 & 31 Cartoon Drawing with Emma, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Kids in grades 3 - 5 are invited to a cartoon drawing class on Zoom. Emma Keating offers her program again for the third year in a row to show us how to draw some amazing animals, creatures, and characters. All you need is some paper, pencils, coloring medium (crayons, watercolors, colored pencils), and your imagination! Registration required for each session as the group size will be limited so as to facilitate conversation. The Zoom link will be emailed in advance of the session.. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 15 Zentangle Art Workshop: Zooming with Amy, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Join Amy, Wilton Library's certified Zentangle instructor, for a fun and relaxing live online Zentangle art session. This meditative art form uses simple steps to teach practitioners how to create beautiful patterns. Suitable for anyone who doesn't believe they can draw, as well as experienced artists. For adults and teens, ages 13+. See the library’s registration link for suggestions of supplies needed. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program details. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 15 Live with Two by Two, 3 – 4 p.m. Children can enjoy a Zoom performance by Two by Two "The Zoo with the Roo!" This popular program brings fascinating live animals to show to children 3 and up. They have a chinchilla, a snake, a bearded dragon, a tortoise and a kangaroo! We will be using Zoom to interact. Zoom links will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Supported by the Amadeo Family. Registration required. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
registrants prior to the session. This meeting focuses Asian dishes – appetizers or entrees. Questions? Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 22 Teens - Zentangle Art Workshop: Zooming with Amy, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Join Amy, Wilton Library's certified Zentangle instructor, for a fun and relaxing live online Zentangle art session. This meditative art form uses simple steps to teach practitioners how to create beautiful patterns. Suitable for anyone who doesn't believe they can draw, as well as experienced artists. For students entering grades 7 - 12. See the library’s registration link for suggestions of supplies needed. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. Please email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for program details. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 22 (Virtually) Live with Chris and Pete, 3 – 4 p.m. Welcome to Pete and Chris for their return to the Wilton Library. The Northeast's ONLY Two-Man Kid's Comedy Show! Enjoy their unique brand of comedy and fun! For kids K and up. We will be using Zoom to interact. A Zoom link will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Registration required. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursday, July 23 Crafternoon Kids Live!, 3:30 – 4 p.m. Kids entering grades K – 5 are invited to join our weekly Zoom craft sessions. Each week we will have a different craft. This week’s craft is: Popsicle Stick Puppets. Registration is required for each child participating. Please register for each individual craft session. Once you are registered, you will receive notification when your craft kit is ready for pick-up at our drive-thru window. Supplies you will need at home are: glue and scissors. Please note: supplies and space are limited. We ask that patrons register only if you are sure you can attend. Questions? Email lkeogh@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Monday, July 27 through Thursday, July 30 Arduino & Electronics for Rising 7th & 8th Graders, 3 – 6 p.m. Learn the basics of Arduino electronics and the programming behind it! Students entering grades 7-8 are invited to join this four-day workshop led by Navod & Rishabh -- recent graduates and former captains of Wilton Library’s award-winning Robotics team. To participate, students need to: Have a computer with any operating system to program the Arduino; Be able to use Zoom for the workshops; Purchase the Arduino kit online at Amazon –(Elegoo Uno Project Super Starter Kit for $36.99). The kit includes LEDs, motors, servos, displays, a variety of sensors, and much more, all of which will be covered in the program. It also contains all of the documentation required for students to pursue their own projects after the program. Registration required and space limited. Sponsored by the Amadeo Family. Purchase your kit online at Amazon - Elegoo Arduino Uno Project Super Starter Kit for $36.99. Kids must be able to attend all four days. Questions? Email slauricella@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, July 29 Rockin' Rhythms with Ray Live!, 3 – 3:30 p.m. Rockin' Rhythms is Ray’s (Jay and Ray) way of continuing to develop and give children a unique and awesome experience with music during their preschool years. Music helps children develop and excel in so many ways, not only academically but socially and behaviorally as well! We also want parents, grandparents, and caregivers to enjoy this experience as much as the children will! We will be using Zoom to interact. Zoom links will be emailed shortly before the start of the program. Ages 2 - 5 with caregivers. Registration required. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursday, July 30 Crafternoon Kids Live!, 3:30 – 4:15 p.m. Kids entering grades K – 5 are invited to join our weekly Zoom craft sessions. Each week we will have a different craft. This week’s craft is: Puppets Theater. Registration is required for each child participating. Please register for each individual craft session. Once you are registered, you will receive notification when your craft kit is ready for pick-up at our drive-thru window. Supplies you will need at home are: glue, scissors and a shoebox. Parental help/supervision is required for this craft. Please note: supplies and space are limited. We ask that patrons register only if you are sure you can attend. Questions? Call 203-762-6336 or email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.