Wilton Library June 2021 Virtual Activities
Tuesdays, June 1 through June 22 Virtual Intermediate Chess Club, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Kids in kindergarten through high school continue with their virtual chess class. Registration filled. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesday, June 1 Author Talk: Caseen Gaines - Footnotes: The Black Artists Who Rewrote the Rules of the Great White Way, 7 – 8 p.m. Footnotes is the triumphant story of the all-Black Broadway musical that changed the world forever. Author and pop culture expert Caseen Gaines leads readers through the glitz and glamour of New York City during the Roaring Twenties to reveal the revolutionary impact one show had on generations of Americans, and how its legacy continues to resonate today. Footnotes is the story of how Sissle and Blake, along with comedians Flournoy Miller and Aubrey Lyles, overcame poverty, racism, and violence to harness the energy of the Harlem Renaissance and produce a runaway Broadway hit that launched the careers of many of the twentieth century’s most beloved Black performers. Space limited and registration required. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants a few days before the event. Books are available for purchase through elmstreetbooks.com. A portion of the proceeds go to Wilton Library. The media sponsor is GOOD Morning Wilton. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org for program details and to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, June 2 Zentangle Art Workshop: Zooming with Amy, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Join Amy, Wilton Library's certified Zentangle instructor, for a fun and relaxing live online Zentangle art session. This meditative art form uses simple steps to teach practitioners how to create beautiful patterns. Suitable for anyone who doesn't believe they can draw, as well as experienced artists. For adults and teens, ages 13+. See the library’s registration link for suggestions of supplies needed. Registration is required and space is limited. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants prior to the session. Please email alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register and for short video tutorials. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, June 3, 10, 17 & 24 What’s “Victorian” About the Victorian Novel? A Consideration of Four Novels by Four Authors, 5 – 6 p.m. Mark J. Schenker of Yale College returns to Wilton Library to give four lectures on a quartet of novels published during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). He will discuss these classic books in the order of their publication, focusing on both their style and structure as works of literary art, and the social and intellectual issues they engage. Attendees are not expected to read or reread all or even any of the novels, but a familiarity with them will of course make the lectures more meaningful. See the library’s registration link for program details. The novels are Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë; Great Expectations, Charles Dickens; Middlemarch, George Eliot; and Tess of the D’Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy. No charge for the program. This lecture is made possible with the support of the Literary Series in Memory of Amy Quigley. Advance registration required. Register online in order to receive the Zoom session invitation link. Please email Michael Bellacosa at mbellacosa@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Saturday, June 5 through July 10 Silver Club Virtual Book Club, 3 – 4 p.m. The Silver Club continues for kids in grades 5 through 7. Readers learn new topics, read new books, make new friends, and just have a good time. As a part of a Girl Scouts Silver Award, this book club is run by four current 8th grade students: Kendra W, Sydney F, Lena O, and Grace H. The course meets once a week over Zoom through July 10. New members are always welcomed. A variety of books are offered and are chosen every two weeks via a vote by the members. Members will be added to a Google classroom where information, extra activities, and more will be available. Registration required. Zoom links are emailed shortly before the start of each program. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, June 9 Wilton Library Readers—Bowlaway, 12 – 1:30 p.m. Using Zoom, professional book discussion leader Susan Boyar discusses Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken. Attendees may feel free to munch their lunches while discussing the book. Must have a Zoom account. An email link will be provided to all registrants a few days before the meeting. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Questions? Please email kzeibak@wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Monday June 14 through Friday, Aug. 28 Tails and Tales - 2021 Children's Summer Library Adventure Kids going into grades K - 6 are invited to sign-up for Wilton Library’s “Tails and Tales” themed Summer Library Adventure 2021. This year will be special - we will not only focus on reading, but also provide ideas for fun, educational activities for the whole family. We are excited to offer this innovative program for our community! For the reading portion of the Summer Adventure, we will be doing our Read and Bead reward system. Children will use Wandoo Reader on the library’s website to log their reading by keeping track of the minutes they spend with books, eBooks, audiobooks, eAudiobooks, magazines, and other online reading. Each 100 minutes will equal five beads for their necklaces. At different intervals, children will receive special beads and brag tags too. All prizes will be “surprises” distributed at the Children's Library desk. There also will be new reading challenges every Monday and Thursday, and the kids have all summer to complete them for special beads, brag tags and other small prizes. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register for all of the summer fun. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Monday June 14 Summer Reading Kick-Off–Virtual Pet Contest, 3 – 4 p.m. To kick off the Wilton Library “Tails and Tales” Summer Reading Program, we are starting with a virtual Pet Contest! Children of all ages will able to show their pets on a Zoom program. Each child will have an opportunity to talk about their pet and why they are special to their family. Supported by an anonymous donor. Registration required, the Zoom Link will be sent the morning of the program. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesdays, June 15 through Aug. 10 Courtyard Story Time, 10:30 – 11 a.m. Children ages 3 - 4 years and their caregivers are invited to Wilton Library’s very first in-person story time since last year! Story time will be in the Reference area courtyard. Kids will enjoy stories, songs, puppets, and rhymes. Bring a blanket to reserve your space. Masks MUST be worn at all times by adults and children. Social distancing must be maintained, therefore space is limited. Registration is required for each session. Questions? Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesdays, June 16 through Aug. 11 Terrific Tales for Twos and Threes Online, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Join us for an interactive Zoom story time geared especially for toddlers ages 2-3 years. Children and their caregivers will have fun listening to stories, singing songs, learning rhymes, and doing movement activities, all while building literacy skills. Registration is required for each date, and a Zoom link will be sent out the day before the program. For more details or if you have any questions, email Miss Amy at alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org. Please visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursday, June 17 Courtyard Firefighter Story Time, 10 – 10:30 a.m. Children ages 2 and up with caregivers are invited to join Wilton Fire Fighters for an interactive story time in our courtyard. Masks MUST be worn at all times. Children will listen to stories and have a chance to ask the firefighters questions. Space is limited for social distancing. Registration is required. For questions, email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org. Please visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Thursdays, June 17 through Aug. 12 Bouncing Babies and Wonderful Ones, 11 – 11:30 a.m. Bring your wonderful baby or amazing one year old to a gentle parent friendly story time. Children will hear stories, rhymes, and songs, and watch puppets all in an interacting experience with other children and parents. Registration required. This is a Zoom program so registered participants will receive the link the morning of the program. Questions Email questions to lkeogh@wiltonlibrary.org or call 203-762-6336. Please visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Friday, June 18 CT Poetry Society Workshop –Online Zoom Meeting, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. The CT Poetry Society meets each month with a workshop using Zoom. All that's required is the willingness to share some poetry that you have written by reading it aloud to the group. Poets should email a copy of their poems to Ray Rauth at rayrauth@optonline.net. He will distribute the poems to the group shortly before the session. To facilitate discussion, space is strictly limited to just 15 attendees. No charge but online registration is required. The Zoom invitation link will be emailed to registrants shortly before the event. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Friday, June 18 Father's Day Crafts, 4 – 5 p.m. Make a Father's Day Craft for your favorite Dad! Kids can pick up kits from the Wilton Library (drive-thru or Children’s Library desk) and make a tie and a card for their Dads. Registration required for children ages Pre-K and up. This is a Zoom program and the link will be sent the morning of the program. Email Lesley Keogh at lkeogh@wiltonlibrary.org or call 203-762-6336 with any questions. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Mondays, June 21 through Aug. 9 Virtual Crafternoon, 4 – 4:45 p.m. Children ages 4 and up are invited to join us for a Zoom Crafternoon! Each week we will make a new craft based on our Summer Reading Program Theme: Tails and Tales. Craft kits will be available to registrants at the drive-thru window/circulation desk. Zoom links will be emailed the day of the program. Registration for each child is required. Email aszabo@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Library closed July 5 for Independence Day. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Tuesday, June 22 Remote, Remarkable and Beyond Belief – Galapagos, 5 – 6 p.m. Enjoy this virtual visit to the Galapagos Islands from the comfort of your living room. Learn more about these remarkable islands that straddle the equator and are home to some of the most interesting wildlife on the planet. From its early visitors to today’s opportunities to explore. Online registration is required to receive the Zoom session invitation link. The speakers are both seasoned and experienced travel professionals: Susan Wilson, owner of Wilton’s Hidden Gem Travel Consulting, and Lesa Bain of Lindblad Expedition specializing in sustainable, immersive, educational travel. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, June 23 Animal Face Pizza with Food Explorers, 3 – 4 p.m. Join Food Explorers to make Animal Face Pizza. In just one hour you’ll make your own pizza dough and use your toppings to design animal faces. Ingredients listed on registration link. Registration required for Grades K and up. This is a Zoom event and the link will be sent the morning of the program. Email questions to Lesley Keogh at lkeogh@wiltonlibrary.org or call 203-762-6336. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Monday, June 28 through Saturday, Aug. 14 Tails and Tales - 2021 Teen and Tween Summer Reading Welcome to Wilton Library's "Tails and Tales" summer reading program for Teens & Tweens, from June 28 - August 14, 2021. If you're entering grades 6-12 in the fall of 2021, then this is the place for you! It's simple - all you need is a good book and a clock, watch or phone to help track the amount of time you spend reading. Then update your Wandoo profile with the book's title and minutes read. Every time you complete 180 minutes of reading (3 hours), one ticket will be applied to that week's drawing. If you're our lucky weekly winner, you'll receive a $10 Wilton of Chamber Commerce gift certificate. The more you read, the better your chances of winning. At the end of summer, all those tickets will go back into the “pot,” and one person will walk away with a $100 Wilton Chamber of Commerce gift certificate. Supported by the John and Patricia Curran Teen Fund. To register, visit www.wiltonlibrary.org. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.
Wednesday, June 30 Summer Zooming Child-Adult Zentangle Fun, 3 – 4:30 p.m. Calling all artists and doodlers. If you love to draw or doodle but think you aren’t a good artist, this is the program for you. Using a few simple steps and techniques, anyone can learn to create beautiful artwork in a relaxing atmosphere. So join us and share some time with your favorite grownup. We will be doing different beginner tangles and this class will work equally well for first-timers and those who have a bit more experience. For children entering grades 3 – 6 in the fall with a participating adult. Registration is required. Please register all attendees. Participants will be contacted to pick up supplies a few days before the program. The Zoom link will be distributed the morning of the session. Please note: supplies and space are limited. We ask that patrons register only if you are sure you can attend. Visit www.wiltonlibrary.org to register. Email alilienharper@wiltonlibrary.org with any questions. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton; www.wiltonlibrary.org; 203-762-3950.