Do you have a budding youth gardener in your family?
Registration is open for Green Teens Youth Gardening at Trackside. This is a FREE program run by Wilton Garden Club members, Laurie Musilli and Pam Nobumoto, and supported by Trackside Teen Center.
This educational, hands-on youth gardening program meets on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 starting this week, May 18th until school ends. The youth gardeners help plant and tend to this organic garden. The produce harvested gets donated to the Wilton Food Pantry. The youth garden yields about 200 pounds of fresh, organic produce every year.
Weekly guest speakers come to work with the youth gardeners. They learn about growing organically, healthy garden-to-table eating, helping the pollinators, trellising, insects, designing garden art, and making flower arrangements which are donated to the senior center and Wilton Commons.
This program is free and does not require a Trackside membership. This has typically been a middle and high school program but we are opening it up to younger students who like working in the garden and outdoors.
If you have questions or are interested in signing up, please contact Laurie Musilli at or find sign up information on the Trackside website at