Wilton Library hosts Beekeeping Workshops with Howland Blackiston, Author of Beekeeping for Dummies on Wednesdays, January 18 & 25 and February 1 & 15 beginning at 7pm in Rimer Room.
Please note: each session can stand alone but we encourage you to attend all sessions.
Please click the links below to register and see more details:
Introduction to Beekeeping with Beekeeping for Dummies Author
Wednesday, January 18 @7pm in Rimer Room
To Bee or Not To Bee—Introduction to Beekeeping. Get to know about bees and decide if you want to be a beekeeper whether as a business or hobby. This session covers everything about bees—their place in history, their vital role in nature, how they communicate, the members of their society, etc. Howland Blackiston covers the basics of hive location and types, equipment, and local regulations. Explore the best bee breed for your purposes, where and when to order them.
Beekeeping Workshop #1: The World of Honey Bees
Wednesday, January 25 @7pm in Rimer Room
If you’ve taken the Beekeeping Intro class, you’ll be well versed in the background of beekeeping. Workshop #1 goes into the fine details. Howland will cover the three management approaches of beekeeping, hive safety, how to use the smoker, and inspection techniques. The intricacies of the Beekeeper’s Calendar will be reviewed. It’s the preferred method to track necessary procedures to keep the bees safe and productive.
Beekeeping Workshop #2: Common Problems and Simple Solutions
Wednesday, February 1 @7pm in Rimer Room
A healthy hive is a happy, productive hive. Learn about the devastating Colony Collapse Disorder and other bee diseases. Discover “natural” techniques that minimize or avoid chemicals. Become familiar with other natural predators. Explore the importance of the Queen including how to raise your own queen bees bred for highly desirable genetic traits. Note: Participants will be invited to prepare a honey-inspired recipe to bring to the final session for a tasting. Sample recipes will be provided by Howland.
Beekeeping Workshop #3: Sweet Rewards
Wednesday, February 15 @7pm in Rimer Room
The miracle of honey—how it’s made, where it originates, what it consists of, and why it’s so good for you. Discover the six basic types and myriad varietals. Decide what type of honey you want to produce, how and when to harvest, package, and market it. Taste samples of rare and amazing honeys from around the world. Then there are other “bee” products to investigate—brewing mead, making cosmetics, soaps, and candles. Note: In this workshop, all participants can try their hand at making beeswax candles.
Beekeeper, international lecturer, and author of Beekeeping for Dummies, Howland Blackiston will take you into the world of bees and beekeeping. Howland has over thirty years of experience in all facets of beekeeping including crafting mead and making candles from beeswax.
These sessions are in partnership with Wilton Continuing Education.
Registration required. To register and see more details, click on Wilton Continuing Education’s registration link in the event listings.
For more information, contact asato@wiltonlibrary.org.