Wednesday, May 20th begins the official start of Phase 1 of the State’s four-phase plan towards reopening a somewhat different Connecticut. Up to this point, the measures implemented by the Governor and the Town were about slowing the spread of the virus, so as not to overwhelm the healthcare system. That goal was achieved. Phase 1 is about moving forward, without retreating backwards.
Not surprisingly, I hear from residents with varying views, ranging from the State and the Town having gone too far to the State and the Town are not doing enough, and pretty much everything in between. That’s okay. We all need to accept that everyone isn’t going to agree on the approach. Yet the fact remains, we are a society with a representative government elected to work in the best interest of our collective society. Wilton is fortunate to have a number of government/quasi-government officials, that actually reside in Wilton, working and making decisions every day to help the residents of the State and the Town of Wilton throughout this emergency, including the CT Commissioner of Insurance, the Executive Director of AdvanceCT/Member of the Advisory Committee to ReOpen CT, one of our State Representatives and our Chief of Police and Emergency Operations Manager.
As Wilton residents, we too need to work collaboratively and respectfully, of each other and the rules, as the honest truth is to do otherwise will only slow our progress.
Restaurants and additional establishments will be opening in a limited manner. Not all businesses will be ready on Wednesday. Others, particularly restaurants without prior outside dining, are choosing to wait and see what Phase 2 brings. Please be respectful and understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all solution and continue to support Wilton businesses, no matter their decision.
The following are more questions from residents:
Will Parks and Recreation be offering camp this summer and childcare in the fall? Yes. Right now, Parks and Recreation’s number one priority is to help residents get back to work by continuing to provide, and perhaps expand, programming parents have come to rely upon as childcare, whether all-day camp in the summer or after-school care in the fall, where new childcare concerns are likely to develop. We are looking to fill the unmet demand caused by previous childcare options that are currently unable to operate.
Congratulations and thank you to this past week’s winners of Eat Local/Win Local: Evelyn Drew, Erin McKenzie, Amanda Medalla and Rich Ziegler. Winners, please expect an email from my assistant Jackie Rochester. The program continues for two more weeks.
Now and throughout Phase 1, the most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others is to follow the law:
- When in public and a 6-foot distance is unavoidable from another person, wear a required face covering, unless doing so would be contrary to your health because of a medical condition. This applies whether outside or inside a retail establishment.
- While outside exercising alone, if you aren’t wearing a face covering, maintain a 6-foot distance from others running or walking on the same road, sidewalk or trail.