Student Tested Positive, Contract Tracing and Notification Performed, Remain Vigilant
On Friday evening, September 11, the Wilton Public Schools and the Town of Wilton were notified of a Wilton High School student that tested positive for COVID-19. That evening Wilton Health Department contract tracers began contacting individuals who had close contact with the student, both inside and outside of school. WPS administrators began contacting individuals who were in classrooms or school spaces with the student, but did not have close contact.
Individuals with close contact were directed to quarantine for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. Wilton Health Department staff will maintain contact. Individuals with non-close contact were advised to monitor for symptoms. Symptoms include a cough, fever and difficulty breathing.
Prior to the start of the school year, WPS staff and Wilton’s Health Director collaborated to develop appropriate protocols for the likely event of a student or staff member testing positive. As a result, Friday's response by school and town staff was swift.
With schools open, residents returning from summer homes or vacations, increased participation in activities and sports and the start of flu season, there is greater potential for the spread of the virus. After six months it is difficult for all of us to continue to be vigilant, but it is critical we continue to do so. Please be mindful of your fellow Wilton residents and practice the three W’s to minimize the spread:
- Watch your distance, both indoors and outdoors
- Wear a mask/face covering when you can’t maintain 6 feet of distance
- Wash your hands frequently and after contact
If you have questions, please email at lynne.vanderslice@wiltonct.org.