Wilton resident Andrew Foote Joins KEYS Board of Directors

KEYS (Kids Empowered by Your Support), which provides free, in-school and virtual music instrument instruction to Bridgeport, CT students, welcomes Wilton resident Andrew Foote to the KEYS Board of Directors.

Andrew has fifteen years of experience working with investment firms as a specialist in commodities trading. Before his investment career, he worked nine years for two of the world’s biggest commercial firms in the international trading of grains and oilseeds. Three of those years were spent living in South America.

Andrew learned about Connecticut’s school “performance gap” when a friend invited him to an Achievement First open house fifteen years ago. Since then, he has been interested in education policy reform. Andrew served a three-year term on the Grumman Hill Montessori School’s Board of Trustees. He is a graduate of Cornell University. Andrew lives in Wilton, CT with his wife, two children, a dog and ten chickens.

About KEYS:

KEYS is a nonprofit music education organization whose mission is to bring free, one-to-one instrument lessons and group music instruction to underserved inner-city children in Bridgeport CT schools. So many challenges, now amplified by the global pandemic, have disproportionately impacted the children and families of Bridgeport. KEYS is one of the local organizations that is working to counteract that. KEYS is part of an innovative public-private partnership that is providing music education and community resources in ways many of us take for granted.

KEYS is on the ground making a difference, findings new ways to connect with our students while providing exciting new musical opportunities. See www.keysmusic.org for more information or email KEYS Assistant Executive Director, Laurie Bradbury, at aed@keysmusic.org.

Submitted by Wilton, CT

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