At this week’s June 21st meeting, the Board of Selectmen approved funding to evaluate town-owned fields at Allen’s Meadow for installation of a non-crumb rubber infill turf field with a commitment to recommend bonding for the new field at the next Annual Town Meeting.
A Parks and Recreation Study Committee previously identified Allen’s Meadow as a priority location for a third turf field. Revenues from the sign program at the WHS Stadium and Lilly fields are being used to fund the evaluation.
The sign program is administrated on behalf of the Town by the Wilton Athletic and Recreation Foundation (WARF). At Tuesday’s meeting WARF Co-Founder and President JR Sherman announced over $70,000 had been earned to date, of which $60,000 is being transferred to the Town to support turf fields. We are grateful to JR and fellow co-founders Dave Clune and Dave Cote for recommending and executing the sign program. In addition to generating revenue, the program has improved the look of the Stadium and Lilly.
JR Sherman also announced WARF had recently expanded its mission and board, and will continue to do so, adding representatives from multiple youth athletic organizations comprising the Youth Sports Coalition and volunteer organizations. The new WARF board will be redeveloping WARF’s programs for community outreach, online and social media presence, private and corporate fundraising, donations and capital improvements over the coming months, significantly increasing WARF’s presence, capabilities, depth and reach. WARF is currently developing a CIP capital raising campaign to assist making significant improvements to Wilton’s athletic infrastructure and facilities in the next 2-3 years, including exploring new turf fields, amenities, lighting, parking and related improvements.
The new WARF model is a long-time coming and is similar to that in New Canaan and Darien, which has led to significant donations to support athletics in those communities. The Board of Selectmen look forward to continued collaboration with WARF.
Improvements in Grass Fields and Merwin Meadows Playground
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Board of Selectmen approved ARPA and Infrastructure Funds for the following Parks and Recreation Commission recommended investments:
- $500,000 for design and construction of irrigation and drainage at the Middlebrook playing fields. Following the completion of the design and associated cost estimates, additional funds are expected to be required and will be considered if such funds are available.
- Up to $175,000 for a replacement ages 5 and up playground at Merwin Meadows. Additional funding may be considered once proposals are received and evaluated.
ARPA and Infrastructure Fund Funding Approvals
The complete list of approved projects as of this week’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting is available here. None of the amounts approved require new property taxes.
Confused about lawn signs?
The Town does not require permits for personal signs on residential property or political campaign signs.
The Town’s zoning regulations require permits for temporary commercial signs and temporary non-commercial/non-profits signs. See page 146 and 147 of the zoning regulations.
With the exception of political campaign signs, permission is required to place a sign on town-owned, municipal managed property.
- Requests are accepted from Wilton non-profits seeking to advertise a non-profit event.
- Requests should be submitted to the first selectwoman’s office.
- Allowable signs include lawn signs, A-frame signs and banners.
- Approved signs may be displayed for up to 7 days at one or two specified locations.
- Following approval from the first selectwoman’s office, a temporary sign permit application must be submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
- In June, the Board of Selectmen approved contracts for the construction of the pedestrian bridge connecting the Wilton Center Train Station to the NRVT and Wilton Center.
- Verizon has executed the lease with the Town to rent the land at the Bus Barn for the proposed cell tower. The execution of the lease is the final or one of the final actions prior to filing an application with the CT Siting Council.
July 1 Tax Bills
Next week look for a detailed notice from the Tax Collector. If you aren’t already paying your taxes online, please learn more here and consider registering to receive your bill also by email or text and to pay online. Bills are available to view online and are mailed on July 1st. Bills are not available prior to July 1st, as payment should not to be received before the start of the new fiscal year.
July 4th Activities
Details are available here.
As previously shared, the provider of Parks and Recreation's e-trak registration software implemented an update. We are unhappy with the new version of the product and apologize for any difficulties or delays you might encounter while registering for July 4th activities. We are working on an alternative.
Additional Parks and Recreation Summer Happenings
Summer movies at Merwin Meadows begins tonight at 8:00 pm with Encanto. Movies are free, no passes required.
Summer concerts kick off on July 10th with Wilton’s Ray Bryant and Friends. Ray is a long-time favorite of kids and adults of all ages. Summer concerts at Schenck’s and Merwin Meadows are also free, no passes required.
Unfortunately, the band scheduled to play at a previously announced concert for this Sunday broke up! As such that concert is cancelled, as no last minute substitutue could be found.
A downloadable/printable schedule of events is available here.
Mark Your Calendar
June 24th: Movie Night, Encanto, Merwin Meadows, 8:00 p.m.
July 4th: Road Race and Fireworks Celebration.
July 10th: Summer Concert with Ray Bryant and Friends at Schenck’s Island, 5:00 p.m.
July 17th: Summer Concert with Bakithi Kumalo at Merwin Meadows, 5:00 p.m.
July 22nd: Movie Night, Zootopia, Merwin Meadows, 8:00 p.m.
July 24th: Summer Concert, One Bad Oyster, Merwin Meadows, 5:00 p.m.
July 29th- July 31st: The return of Hideaway Circus, Stars Above, Field behind Comstock. Details and tickets here.
As always, please contact me with questions at