Dear Wiltonians,
“People Over Politics.” I know that sounds counterintuitive coming from a town political committee chair, but knowing our local candidates and evaluating their history, I can attest that this mantra comfortably fits each of them. Kim Healy, Toni Boucher, and Jayme Stevenson each have a strong, proven record of working across the aisle, benefitting all their constituents.
They all stress the importance of representing ALL the people rather than those of one political party and have proven it in elected office in Connecticut. These women are social moderates who are pro-economic growth and mobility and are for local control, just like their constituents. They each have ample business experience, something desperately needed in both Hartford and Washington. Importantly, they love our state and our country.
Kim Healy is a Wilton resident of 14 years and currently serves on Wilton’s Board of Selectmen with two other Republicans and two Democrats. She’s a former CPA who chairs Minks to Sinks, a long-running all-female charity that benefits those struggling with the cost of living in Connecticut. She served on Wilton’s Conservation Commission, served as the Treasurer of the Wilton Library board, and was the Treasurer of the Wilton Youth Council. In 2021, she was appointed to the Connecticut Reading Leadership Implementation Council.
Toni Boucher is a Wiltonian with decades of dedicated volunteerism and leadership experience. She was elected to Wilton’s Board of Education and Board of Selectmen and later served our town in the State House of Representatives and the State Senate. Toni has done the hard legislative work and knows how to get things done in a bipartisan manner, voting in favor of stricter gun control bills, gay marriage in Connecticut, and a woman’s right to choose.
Toni walks the walk of working across party lines even when some in her party might disagree.
Jayme Stevenson, a former Standard & Poor’s bond analyst, is a mother of five who served for 10 years as Darien’s First Selectman. Like Toni and Kim, she was endorsed by the Independent Party, which described Jayme as “… pro-Connecticut, especially on everyday issues impacting the 4th Congressional District like transportation, mental health, and affordability… we need a representative who will support the cities and towns in the district, not another politician pushing national party agendas on cable news.”
The other side is imploring you to vote for a political party. You have probably seen the signs around town implying that you can save democracy by voting only for them. How can this save democracy? This is illogical - democracy requires choices. We’ve had single-party rule in Connecticut for as long as many of us can remember. The results have been quite dismal: People voting with their feet have put Connecticut near dead last in population growth and economic growth. This aligns with what we’ve seen in history. Single-party states end in corruption or worse.
Kim, Toni, and Jayme are Republicans. They are also individuals with unique experiences and perspectives. There are issues on which they disagree with one another! But I can assure you they believe in economic growth, parental rights, and the importance of the family unit, local control, and freedom of choice (in all that it entails).
We must send candidates to Hartford who exemplify truth, collaboration, and transparency. We need candidates with integrity to represent ALL of us in Hartford and Washington.
Please join us in voting for Kim Healy, Toni Boucher, and Jayme Stevenson.
Peter Wrampe
Chair, Wilton Republican Committee
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