Wilton Letter: A Message to Unaffiliated Voters - We Hear You!

Over the past several years, Wilton voters have noted that Republican-endorsed slates of municipal candidates have included individuals who are not affiliated with any political party.

Among the November 2023 slate, for example, three candidates on Row B are unaffiliated: Board of Education candidates Heather Priest and Mark Shaner, and Melissa Rotini, who is the current Vice Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission first elected in 2019. A fourth individual, Angela Bertolino, is a member of the Connecticut Independent Party. Such endorsements further a forward-looking approach to elected and non-elected boards in Wilton.

We know there are many good reasons why someone might choose not to affiliate with a political party. A party label should never be more important than an individual’s authentic interest in helping our town, and unaffiliated voters should not have to register with a party if they want to serve the town on a board or commission.

We think the opposite is true: Our town needs good people who want to help, and politics should come last. This is critical, especially right now when our nation is torn by pointless partisan tribalism. Some of this year’s municipal campaigns have been exceptionally divisive, which discourages volunteers from stepping forward and voters from engaging.

Dogmatic party loyalty is a disservice to every unaffiliated voter in Wilton. It benefits no one when board members convene to hear from citizens and deliberate about important issues but then ignore all the input to read from prepared remarks, align themselves on ideology, and vote the party line. 

We are all neighbors here in our great little town, after all. We’re individuals with unique experiences and concerns. Shouldn’t our town boards reflect this and conduct themselves accordingly? 

Our message to voters: we love Wilton, and we want to see our town serve everyone. Our support for unaffiliated and Independent candidates on Row B (including Rudy Escalante, who has been endorsed by the current chairman of the Board of Finance, a Democrat) reflects our genuine concern for our shared future.

What does this mean for voters, and how can town boards better serve the town? Our candidates will:

* Reject partisan politics and gather and account for diverse views from all stakeholders in Wilton to build consensus.

* Prioritize shared goals within our town and school system.

* Restore and cultivate Wilton’s tradition of civility in all town boards, in their interactions both with the public and with other boards.

* Balance competing or divergent interests.

* Recognize and account for individuals who may be reluctant to speak up or participate in town government.

* Value, respect, and listen to everyone’s views, irrespective of party affiliation.

Election Day is just a few weeks away. Between now and then, we simply ask this: learn more about our candidates, their opponents, and their records. On Election Day, vote for the individuals who will represent all of us. 

In short, put people first and politics last.

Peter Wrampe

Chair, Wilton Republican Town Committee

The views expressed here belong solely to the author and do not necessarily reflect that of HamletHub.

Submitted by Wilton, CT

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