DEEP Asks Connecticut Residents to Report Bobcat Sightings!


To determine bobcat abundance and distribution, the CT DEEP is relying on help from Connecticut residents to report observations of bobcats. Reports from the public are greatly appreciated and will be invaluable towards understanding the current bobcat population in Connecticut.

Observations can be reported in three different ways:

1. Bobcat with GPS collar. Record observations through the app iNaturalist (available for free on Android and iOS).

2. Send an email message and any photos to

3. Post sightings at

When recording a sighting by any of these three ways, please provide the following information: 
Date and specific location (including town) of the sighting, number of bobcats observed, visible ear tags or collars on the bobcat(s)

For further information, feel free to contact our Animal Control Officer at 203-431-2711.

Submitted by Wilton, CT

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