Sustainable Westchester and the Town of Yorktown will co-host an information session to educate residents about community solar opportunities.
The free, virtual session is December 17 at noon on the Zoom platform. Presenters will explain how homeowners and businesses can receive utility savings without the cost of installing solar panels on roofs.
Seminar attendees must register at https://tinyurl.com/yorktowncsolar
“The beauty of a community solar project is that anyone can participate, which helps combat climate change and receive the financial benefits, all without the worry about the cost of installing solar panels or damage to their roof,” said Supervisor Matt Slater.
Homeowners and business can subscribe to the community solar project and receive credits on their regular electric bills for the clean energy produced. Everyone, including renters and co-op/condo owners, can save money by accessing the clean energy produced by these solar farms.
To start saving, a homeowner or business must select a community solar subscription plan. The electric utility will remain the same and subscribers will start seeing a credit on their monthly bills based on how much energy is generated by the community solar project.
Contact: Yorktown Supervisor Matt Slater, 914-962-5722 x201 or mslater@yorktownny.org