Stress and the Mind Gut Connection

Last week I was scammed.

I foolishly clicked a button on my computer screen and BAM! The scammers had me.

As soon as I realized what I had done my stress level soared!

And I immediately had to run to the restroom!


Everyone has it!

When we feel stressed we may sense “butterflies” or worse in our stomach or a change in the speed or our bowels (like I did!)

And many of us make decisions based on what we “feel in our gut”.

So we know from personal experience that our gut and our brain are deeply intertwined.

But did you know that when you are stressed, there are biochemical responses in our bodies that can have physical and mental consequences?

You might have noticed that stress changes behavior. When we are stressed, we often look for ways to “feel better”. For most of us that means reaching for “comfort foods”, sweets, or products to “take the edge off”.

As a society, we spend over 1 Billion dollars on products like high caffeinated or energy drinks, prescriptions, or OTC solutions to help us feel better.   Unfortunately, these solutions only make us feel different, not better.

Stress, then, is obviously a problem.

And while a little stress can actually benefit you (like the flight or fight reaction when in an emergency situation), it’s the long-term chronic stress that leads to problems such as burnout, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia (among many other stress-related conditions).

The problem is so pervasive, that, the World Health Organization has named stress the #1 health epidemic of the 21st Century.

So what happens when we feel stressed?

Most of us have heard of the stress hormone “Cortisol”. Our bodies release Cortisol when we feel stressed. (My scammer experience sent loads of it through my body in an instant!)

But there are long term effects too.

Cortisol can negatively affect our immune system; elevate blood pressure and cholesterol; increase our appetite; reduce sex drive and lead to memory and emotional issues; and promote fat gain – especially belly fat (you know, the muffin top!)

An overabundance of Cortisol will affect our physical bodies in many ways. According to the Mayo Clinic’s website, “Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it...Indeed stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. .... Stress that's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes.”

Any type of stress, but especially the low-grade, chronic stress that we experience at work and in our stressful “too-busy” lives is detrimental to our health.

According to Dr. Shawn Talbott, Chief Science Officer at Amare Global, “Chronic stress can also lead to wide-ranging alterations in our gut microbiome – leading to mental wellness challenges including depression. anxiety, and burnout.”

This is because science has discovered a direct link between the gut and the brain. The gut is called “The Second Brain” because it’s bacterial balance (referred to as the Gut Microbiome”) will affect the secretion of hormones and neurotransmitters (like Serotonin, Dopamine, GABA, Norephinephrine, Oxytocin, Aceyticholine.) There are over 100 Trillion bacteria in our gut. So creating a healthy balance of good vs bad gut bacteria will bring about significant results to our physical and mental wellness.

Scientists have discovered in the past 10 - 20 years that there is direct communication that occurs between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, 90% of the Serotonin produced in the body is found in the gut. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating appetite, mood, sleep, and relaxation.

You may be wondering ..why is there a direct link between the brain and the gut? According to an article in BodyEcology, “For the past several decades, researchers and scientists have known about the direct line of communication that is found between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, the nervous system as we know it first began in the gut. The central nervous system (CNS), which is found in the brain and in the spinal cord, evolved from what is called the enteric nervous system (ENS), or the nerve tissue and neurotransmitters belonging to the gastrointestinal tract.”

Since gut bacteria greatly influences the communication between the brain and the gut, then it is obvious that a healthy gut microbiome has the ability to affect stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

So what’s the solution to stress?

Since we cannot avoid all stressful situations (and scammers will always be looking to scam us), we must change our response to them. One way to do that is to optimize the health of the Gut-Brain Connection (also known as the Gut-Brain Axis). By eating a high fiber diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats, we are actually feeding the good bacteria in our gut to create a balanced gut microbiome which will produce more of the positive neurotransmitters which will improve our mood!

In addition to a high fiber diet, incorporating Amare Global’s Fundamentals Pack into daily regiment. It’s the World’s First Award Winning Gut-Brain Axis System. It has been clinically proven to increase good bacteria in the gut which leads to incredible benefits. It’s a unique formulation of probiotics, prebiotics, phytobiotics and natural herbs based on Eastern Medicine.

According to a clinical study, after 30 days, participants on the Amare Global’s Fundamentals Pack experienced:

  •      Lower Tension by 45%
  •      Lower Depression by 55%
  •      Lower Anger by 54%
  •      Lower Fatigue by 64%
  •      Lower Confusion by 43%
  •      Increased Vigor by 44%

Vigor is the opposite of Burnout. It is a combination of physical energy, mental acuity, and emotional well-being. So when we experience long term chronic stress, it affects our body and our mind.

Some other healthy practices to help with stress include:

  •      Change your environment to include positive people and situations
  •      Incorporate mindfulness practices (meditation, prayer)
  •      Do some physical activity 3 - 5 times a week
  •      Start a hobby
  •      Spend time with people you care about
  •      Eat a high fiber diet
  •      Supplement wisely (vitamins, minerals, gut-brain axis system)

According to Dr. Shawn Talbott, “I think that it’s important for people to understand that chronic stress (including sleep deprivation) is “just as bad” for our overall health and well-being as eating poorly or being sedentary – but it’s also important to know that there are numerous “anti-stress” approaches that can help us to survive – and even thrive – in a world awash in stress. It’s not an overstatement to say that chronic stress is killing us – but we don’t have to let it happen to us. Fight back.”

Fight back by creating a healthy environment for your body and your mind.

And don’t click on questionable buttons on your computer screen.

To learn more about the Amare Global’s Gut Brain Axis System (The Fundamentals Pack) click here:

To schedule your own strategy session with Melani Sessa, email at

To learn more about Amare Global and its products to optimize your mental and physical wellness, click here:

Read more about Melani Sessa in her Hub Highlight article.

HamletHub Health & Wellness Series: Get Healthy in 2019 

For the first months of the year, you will be treated to a series of articles from local experts in the health and wellness field.

Topics will include physical health, mental wellness, fitness, nutrition, financial well-being, and more.

Search #GetHealthyin2019 for other articles  on this HamletHub edition

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Submitted by Yorktown, NY

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