
Best-Selling Author David Baldacci to Launch New Novel at The Westport Library

<p>Best-selling author David Baldacci will be coming to The Westport Library to launch and discuss his newest book,&nbsp;<em>Strangers in Time</em>, on its release date: Tuesday, April 15.</p><p>The event will take place at 7 pm in the Library’s Trefz Forum, with a keynote presentation by Baldacci followed by a book signing.</p><p>For this premier event, the Library will be including one copy of&nbsp;<em>Strangers in Time&nbsp;</em>with each ticket option. One seat with one copy of the book is priced at $40, and the option for two seats with one copy is priced at $50. Extra copies are also available on-site for $30 each.</p><p>Additionally, there will be a special opportunity to meet Baldacci one-on-one, with one copy of the book included, for $150 per ticket.</p><p><em>Strangers in Time</em>&nbsp;tells the story of a bereaved bookshop owner and two teenagers scarred by the Second World War in 1944 London — and the healing and hope they find in one another.</p><p>Streetwise Blitz survivor Charlie Matters steals to get by, knowing any day could be his last. Uprooted by a large-scale evacuation, Molly Wakefield returns to a shattered London, only to discover her parents are gone. Their paths cross at The Book Keep, a literary sanctuary run by Ignatius Oliver, who, despite his own loss, offers them refuge. Together they form a kinship in each other, and as secrets surface and the perils of war rage on, they discover that their united trust in each other may be the only way for them to survive.</p><p>Early reviews for the book rave about Baldacci’s foray into historical fiction.</p><p><em>New York Times&nbsp;</em>best-selling author Jodi Picoult called it “a meticulously precise account of what it was like to live through the Blitz in London — a visceral reminder that war not only levels social classes, but creates the most unlikely and indefatigable bonds between unlikely souls.”</p><p>And best-selling author Mitch Albom wrote: “A riveting story of secrets, betrayals, and unlikely friendships during World War II. An emotional web that keeps spinning — and keeps you guessing — right until the startling finish.”</p><p>For nearly 30 years, Baldacci’s novels have captivated readers with gripping narratives that blend political intrigue, espionage, and courtroom suspense. He has published&nbsp;<a href=";type=Keyword&amp;term=david%20baldacci&amp;by=KW&amp;sort=RELEVANCE&amp;limit=TOM=*&amp;query=&amp;page=0&amp;searchid=1" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);">more than 50 novels</a>, all of which have been national and international best-sellers, and five of which have been adapted for film and television. His 1996 debut novel,&nbsp;<a href=";type=Keyword&amp;term=absolute%20power%20baldacci&amp;by=KW&amp;sort=RELEVANCE&amp;limit=TOM=*&amp;query=&amp;page=0&amp;searchid=2" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"><em>Absolute Power</em></a>, was an instant best-seller, adapted as a 1997 feature film starring and directed by Clint Eastwood.&nbsp;Other novels made into films include&nbsp;<em>Wish You Well</em>&nbsp;(2013) and&nbsp;<em>The Christmas Train</em>&nbsp;(2017).</p><p>Baldacci’s vast collection of published legal dramas can be attributed to his years practicing law in Washington, D.C. Published in more than 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with 150 million copies sold worldwide, Baldacci’s works span numerous best-selling series, including the legal-driven&nbsp;<em>John Puller&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Amos Decker</em>&nbsp;thrillers, the action-packed&nbsp;<em>Will Robie</em>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<em>Atlee Pine&nbsp;</em>series, and the beloved&nbsp;<em>King &amp; Maxwell&nbsp;</em>books. In addition to his adult thrillers, Baldacci has also expanded his reach across generations of readers with seven middle-grade novels, denoted by his entry into the fantasy genre with the&nbsp;<em>Vega Jane</em>&nbsp;series.</p><p><br></p><p>A lifelong writer, Baldacci credits his mother’s gift of a lined notebook as the spark for his literary ventures in childhood, later igniting his writing career — even if she later reported that her purpose was to keep him occupied, “because every mom needs a break now and then.”With such an extensive anthology of works traversing many diverse genres, Baldacci doesn’t have to go out of his way to look for new story ideas — inspiration finds him in his everyday life.</p><p>“As a writer, you can never ‘turn off’ your passion for the written word and love of a great story,” Baldacci said. “So I watch life, listen intently, and basically drive everyone around me a bit crazy as I absorb my environment. When you’re naturally curious, you uncover storylines everywhere.”</p><p><strong>Event Information</strong></p><p><strong>Best-Selling Author David Baldacci Launches His Newest Book,&nbsp;<em>Strangers in Time</em>, in Westport!</strong></p><p>Tuesday, April 15</p><p>7 pm</p><p>Trefz Forum, The Westport Library</p><p><strong>Story link:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a></p><p><strong>Event link:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a></p><p><strong>Register:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a></p>

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Westport package stores join educational campaign around underage drinking

<p>Have you seen Liquor Stickers at your local package store? The Westport Prevention Coalition (WPC) is revitalizing its parent awareness campaign through an outreach effort by Aspetuck Health District (AHD) to partner with local liquor stores.</p><p>The Liquor Stickers campaign provides parents with information cards along with stickers to seal unfinished bottles of alcohol. The goal is to increase parents’ awareness that underage drinking poses real risks to youth, and that the primary location where they obtain alcohol is in their own home or a friend’s home. The stickers serve as a reminder to parents that they should keep alcohol locked up and out of the hands of children and teens.</p><p><strong>Risks of Underage Alcohol Use</strong></p><p>According to the National Institutes of Health, underage alcohol use interferes with brain development. It is also associated with injuries, risky behaviors such as fights and sexual assault, problems at school, use of other substances, and dependence.&nbsp;</p><p>NIH reports that 90% of people who have an addiction disorder began using substances before age 18. Research indicates that the younger a person is when they start drinking or using other substances, the more likely they are to become dependent.</p><p>In Westport, WPC’s 2024 Youth Survey found that 1 in 14 seventh graders (7%) reported using alcohol in the past month. According to Margaret Watt, prevention director at Positive Directions, who conducted the survey in collaboration with Westport Public Schools, that rate is much higher than in neighboring towns like Fairfield, Trumbull, Darien, and Norwalk. Staples High School students also drink at higher rates than in nearby towns.</p><p><strong>Role of Parents</strong></p><p>The Westport Youth Survey also found that more than half (54%) of Westport students who drink report getting their alcohol from their parents with permission. In addition, the most common places where youth use alcohol are at parties and in homes. That’s why the Liquor Stickers cards emphasize the role of parents and highlight Connecticut’s Social Host Law.</p><p>The Social Host Law holds adults responsible for any underage alcohol or cannabis use that occurs on their property. When youth are gathering at a home, parents are responsible for providing supervision to ensure that no underage substance use is taking place. The penalty is up to $2000 per minor.</p><p><strong>Where to Find Liquor Stickers</strong></p><p>WPC and AHD encourage parents to pick up the Liquor Stickers campaign materials when purchasing alcohol. Info cards and Liquor Stickers are available at 10 participating package stores: 99 Bottles, BevMax, Black Bear, Castle Wine &amp; Spirits, Dan’s Liquors, Discount Liquor, Greens Farms Spirits, Kindred Spirits &amp; Wine, The Grapevine, and Westport Wine and Spirits.&nbsp;</p><p>*Visit Westport Together on FB for many more "shout outs"! <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a></p><p><br></p>

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New Student Discount Program with Westport Downtown Association

<p>The Westport Downtown Association (WDA) and Westport Youth Commission (WYC) have partnered to introduce a new student discount program, offering savings to students and educators at 25 local businesses, including Rhone, Original Pancake House, Vineyard Vines, Pizza Lyfe, Theory, Glowbar, Joe’s Pizza, Basso, The Bridge, and many others. Full details are available at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(48, 68, 139); background-color: transparent;"></a>.</p><p>WDA President Maxx Crowley said, “The Downtown Association is excited to launch another program to attract shoppers to Westport and we couldn’t be prouder to partner with the Youth Commission in targeting students and educators with a program that highlights great values from our great merchants.”</p><p>WYC member Jake Shufro (SHS ’26) approached the WDA with a novel collaborative solution to revive the discount program and foster sustainability as a Commission project.&nbsp;Shufro said, “I didn’t want past experiences to shut the door as a win-win program like this needs to be in our town. After working with the WDA, I knew they held the key to making this work.”</p><p>Kevin Godburn, Director of Youth Services, praised the collaboration saying, “This has been a great opportunity for our student leaders to work with the local business community and encourage peers to shop and socialize in town. With each program, the students learn a lot about what works and what doesn't. We're excited about this current version and look forward to its long-term success.”</p><p>High school and college students (including community college) can access discounts by presenting a valid student ID or Schoology account. Educators qualify with active credentials. Simply show your ID or credentials at checkout to save.</p><p>Brian Spurr, WDA Community Director, said, “The Westport Student Discount Program is designed to welcome students into the heart of downtown while helping them stretch their budgets and to show appreciation for local educators.” Andrew Colabella, RTM District 4 Representative, adds, “ It’s important to revive this program, incentivizing students to work play live in Westport, but also support small local businesses, giving growth to our economy”</p>

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The Westport Library, RTM Seeking Candidates for Library Board of Trustees

<p class="ql-align-center"><strong>The Westport Library Board and Westport’s Representative Town Meeting are seeking candidates to fill vacancies on the&nbsp;</strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"><strong>Library Board of Trustees</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p><p>The trustee position presents an opportunity for civic-minded individuals to make a significant impact and contribute to the continued success of The Westport Library. Trustees are instrumental in guiding the Library's mission and ensuring that the Library remains a vital resource for the community.</p><p>Trustee responsibilities include:</p><ul><li>Acting as an ambassador and advocate for The Westport Library, promoting its mission, vision, and strategic initiatives.</li><li>Collaborating closely with the Library’s executive director, supporting fundraising efforts, policies, and strategic priorities.</li><li>Engaging in stewardship activities, including budgetary oversight, fiscal responsibility, and financial alignment with fundraising goals.</li><li>Participating in hiring and evaluating the executive director.</li><li>Regularly attending and contributing constructively to board meetings and discussions.</li><li>Serving on committees as assigned by the board president.</li><li>Representing the Library at community events.</li><li>Ensuring the efficient and productive operation of the Library.</li><li>Staying informed about Library issues and relevant laws.</li></ul><p>To apply to be a Library trustee, candidates must be residents of the Town of Westport as of June 30, 2024.</p><p>Additional qualifications are a track record in fundraising and connections within the community, knowledge of public funding, and service on other boards. Skills in management, planning, marketing, finance, and law are valued.</p><p>Trustee appointments typically span four years, commencing on July 1, 2025. Interested candidates should email a resume and letter of interest to Sally Presutto at&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a>&nbsp;no later than March 28, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to review the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);">Library’s strategic vision</a>&nbsp;and visit the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);">Library’s website</a>&nbsp;for more information about the role of the Board of Trustees.</p><p>Following the submission of materials, qualified candidates will be contacted with further information on the interview process.<strong>Candidate Posting:&nbsp;</strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a></p><p><strong>Story link:</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(70, 120, 134);"></a></p>

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Back Yard Beekeepers Association Presents  Dr. Scott McArt

<p>The Back Yard Beekeepers Association (<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">BYBA</a>) in Connecticut is proud to present Dr. Scott McArt, an associate professor of pollinator health in the Department of Entomology at Cornell University. The March 25 meeting is in person and our speaker will be joining us in person as well.&nbsp;There is not an option for participants to join virtually.&nbsp;Please join us at 7 PM to allow time to socialize and chat with other members of the club.&nbsp;Our live speaker presentation will begin at 7:30 PM.</p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">The location is Norfield Congregational Church located at 64 Norfield Rd in Weston, CT.&nbsp;Even though the event is free and open to the public, please register at&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></a><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">In August 2018, with funding provided through the New York State Environmental Protection Fund to research potential adverse impacts of pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, Cornell began developing a risk-benefit analysis of neonicotinoid insecticide usage in New York State with the following three goals: 1) Estimate the pest control and plant protection benefits of neonicotinoid insecticides under current usage, 2) Estimate the risk from neonicotinoids to pollinators, and 3) Evaluate the relative benefits and risks of likely neonicotinoid substitutes (i.e., other insecticides or pest control strategies) compared to neonicotinoids. The resulting 432-page report, published in 2020, helped shape the 2024 Birds &amp; Bees Protection Act, which is the first legislation in the USA to prohibit the use of neonicotinoid treatments on corn, soybean, and wheat seeds, as well as use on outdoor ornamental plants and turfs. Between release of the report and passing of the Birds &amp; Bees Protection Act, there were multiple attempts to undermine the science and spread disinformation and misinformation.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">This talk will describe some of these attempts, explain why they occurred and their effectiveness, and how evidence-based legislation on this topic can potentially be improved via public engagement.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">If you are unable to join us, club members will be able to view this and past monthly meeting recordings in the Members Only portion of the website under BYBA Presentations.</span></p><p>Questions? Contact BYBA’s Paula Wolf at&nbsp;<span style="color: blue;"></span>.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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2025 SAAM Proclamation Day to be held at Westport Town Hall on April 8!

<p><strong>The Rowan Center And Westport Town Hall To Host Proclamation Day For Sexual Assault Awareness Month</strong></p><p>The Rowan Center, in partnership with Westport First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker, will host Proclamation Day 2025 at Westport Town Hall to officially recognize April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).</p><p>The event will take place on Tuesday, April 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Westport Town Hall, 110 Myrtle Avenue, Westport, CT.</p><p>This community gathering will highlight efforts to support survivors of sexual violence and raise awareness about prevention and response initiatives in Lower Fairfield County. During the event, First Selectwoman Tooker will issue a formal proclamation recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month in Westport.</p><p><strong>Featured speakers include:</strong></p><ul><li>Jennifer Tooker, First Selectwoman Of Westport</li><li>Sharon Walker Epps, CEO, The Rowan Center</li><li>Elected Representatives From Lower Fairfield County</li><li>Additional Speakers To Be Announced</li></ul><p>The Rowan Center invites community members, local leaders, and media representatives to attend and stand in solidarity with survivors.</p>

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WYWL Spotlight: Rachel’s Journey - Empowering Education and Community Leadership

<p class="ql-align-justify"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Rachel’s Journey: Empowering Education and Community Leadership</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Rachel’s professional journey reflects her unwavering commitment to leadership, innovation, and community. As a former school teacher and now an EdTech executive, Rachel has worked with esteemed organizations such as SMART, Discovery Education, and Amplify Education. One of her proudest accomplishments was co-founding a Women’s Leadership Summit, bringing together female K-12 Chief Technology Officers from across the nation to collaborate, address challenges, and drive meaningful change in education. This summit exemplifies Rachel’s dedication to fostering connections and empowering women leaders to shape the future.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Beyond her career, Rachel is deeply rooted in her role as a sister, daughter, wife and mother to three teenagers attending Westport Public Schools. Her passion for building connections and nurturing relationships drives her personal and professional endeavors, aligning seamlessly with her commitment to the Westport Young Woman’s League (WYWL).</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Finding Purpose in the WYWL</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">When Rachel moved to Westport in 2022, after serving as Vice President of the Board of Education in her New Jersey town, she sought an opportunity to continue her dedication to community service. She discovered the WYWL, an organization that perfectly aligned with her values of fostering female leadership, building meaningful friendships, and giving back to the community. WYWL’s mission to support local nonprofits and enhance community well-being deeply resonated with her vision for service and connection.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Leading the Minute Man Race and raising $70,000 </strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">As the Chair of the Minute Man Race, one of WYWL’s most significant fundraising events, Rachel has brought her leadership and organizational expertise to the forefront and raised $70,000 at the helm of the event. Held annually at Compo Beach, the race includes a certified USA Track and Field 10K Run, 5K Run, 5K Walk, and a Kids Fun Run. Under Rachel’s leadership, the event has successfully raised over $70,000 for WYWL’s Grants Program, providing critical support to local charities throughout Fairfield County. Her ability to rally volunteers and engage the community ensures the race continues to be a cornerstone of the League’s fundraising efforts. * Please note that the race will take place on April 24, 2025!</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Reflections on 2024 and Aspirations for 2025</strong></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Reflecting on 2024, Rachel highlights the importance of adaptability and collaboration in addressing evolving community needs. Her experience in EdTech has taught her the value of user-centered design, and she is passionate about applying these principles to enhance WYWL’s initiatives. In 2025, she aims to deepen the League’s impact by driving innovative, inclusive approaches to fundraising and outreach, ensuring that the organization continues to serve the Fairfield County community effectively.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Through her work with WYWL, Rachel seamlessly integrates her professional expertise with her passion for community service. Her vision, leadership, and dedication to creating meaningful connections exemplify the transformative power of women coming together to uplift their communities.</span></p><p class="ql-align-justify"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Learn more about&nbsp;</span>Westport Young Woman's League&nbsp;(WYWL)&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(2, 177, 151);"></a></p><p><br></p>

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